Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Urgent Road block in God's work

This note is from Dr. Larose McCluskey, not Jenny
 In  16  hours we were to begin an expensive 7,000 dollar ticket flight to Rwanda with medical supplies and evangelism. We may shake the dust off this time. We are in much prayer. The nonrefundable flights are not yet cancelled. We keep praying. I don't want to be like Jonah and Elijah and run from an unpleasant assignment from God but it seems He is opening up another option in another country. I am praying for wisdom. I keep thinking of Elijah who was not supposed to run from Jezebel's threats but he did. Jonah did not want to go to violent people.
God goes before us so many times we see it. This last trip into the Philippines in November was no exception. A young woman saw us in a dream ahead of time. In Papua New Guinea it happened as well. In Rwanda it happened 26 years back as a man had a dream. Also as God stood above us in a pillar of fire by night in the North Rwanda mts. In the day He stood above in a pillar of cloud over the baptism on Muzo mountain. Chariots of fire were seen on the clouds by the translators sister and an announcement from  heaven that two of God's warriors were coming to give the final warning messages. This was also on Muzo mountain. A pillar of cloud was seen above my own home during the resistance of April 25, 2010 which President Ted Wilson was impressed by God to intervene in for Nyanza church. The result was a good harvest.

Jenny and I are scheduled to fly tonight to Rwanda Africa. All is ready except the group who invited us! We have not yet cancelled the tickets.
The group who invited us are terrified of a sudden pressure from leadership that threatened them. If they welcome me or lodge me or move ahead with the medical evangelism efforts without the church paperwork in place, real bad things will happen. I had death threats on me last time I was there at God's request. The paper work is always done by those inviting me. All know this all over the world.
  They knew since October 26 when God confirmed He wanted it done, and the paperwork did not get done. The invitation was in September. Jesus Himself was rejected by people groups like the Samarians and He had to leave certain areas but later returned.
   I was still on the computer, praying and wondering what move to make. Seven thousand of God's dollars were invested in tickets. Perhaps this time it shall be to shake the dust off our feet. Then a pastor came onto Facebook and asked if I was ok. I told him what had just happened and he said he had work for us in Philippines in mountains of Mindoro among the Munion natives. It seemed Providential to me. He does not have internet in his home and I am seldom able to get on internet.
We need to reach a tribe of unreached people. I asked if it could be arranged in 3 days. He immediately went to check on options of where we could camp. We will need to rent generator, and these people are very primitive so our outdoor camping will be a challenge. Dengue fever is very common mosquito challenge. It is often fatal.
  We have worked with this pastor several times and know he was just ordained and is in tune to reaching for souls and spreading the 3 Angels messages. He knows that President Ted Wilson was with us in the jungles of South America and told us he wished there were 100 more of us doing this medical evangelism.
  The dream of pastor Roosevelt Fortu is to raise up a church and a school among this unreached native people of the mountains. His wife is a teacher.
  We spent everything on the Africa tickets and hope and pray that some of the non refundable tickets can be used towards our Philippines tickets yet the price for last minute Christmas season ticketing is higher yet. We are on our knees praying for wisdom. God never leaves or forsakes His workers. We have the example of Jesus moving away from areas that He was blocked from blessing but later he returned. We pray for the people who wanted our programs in more than 10 locations in Rwanda. Maybe God will later open a way.
  Meanwhile we are preparing our camping gear and already have the Tagalog  Bibles. I don't expect these people can read. We have some talking Bibles. If God provides the funds we are going to do a medical evangelism program anyway but in Philippines. We also need for renting generator and to try of some spot to lodge in a primitive setting. Our transport into there may be  by horse for roads are not there. The pastor is there now trying to prepare.
  We need God's wisdom.
  We need His guidance as we launch out into the deep to fish where it has not been done before.
Dr. Rose

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Oyugis Kenya Africa June 2012

I have returned from Kenya evangelistic efforts. I treated about 250 ++ patients and did 3 meetings a day. Patients who were waiting their turn, also had to stop for prayers so they heard the gospel and had a chance for their prayer  requests to be offered. There were 70++ wanting baptism but 43 were successful. There is a lot of polygamy and so issues must be settled prior to baptism. There were children under 12 yrs and they could not be allowed for the rigid policy rules. It always makes me sad that I could not convince the pastors that  God says in the writings of Ellen White that 8-10 is old enough to make this choice of baptism.

  People were happy for what God did. We had several miracles

1.       A young girl was struck by a car, thrown down yet no injuries

2.       A woman at meeting was healed when I prayed right during the meeting. I always pray at the beginning of meeting.  I always ask that all at the meeting can be relieved of their suffering from mental confusion or pain of any sort or from alcohol or drug levels  causing cloudy thinking.

3.       A woman with diabetis for 8 years who had a foot ulcer on both feet for that long, was septic upon arrival and felt the charcoal treatment pulling and opening up things to drain and heal.  Great progress was made daily. She is to continue treatments at home. The local doc wanted to amputate. It was a wise choice but she refused. They walk everywhere and she envisioned a fate worse than death. Her rotting flesh was calling flies to the horrid odors. I obtained another infection in my nose as always happens when I treat such cases. That day I had left the face masks in my lodging room.

4.       Rain came so heavy and at meeting time daily. It was that rainy season time of the year. God answered my prayers about it in different ways to show me He has a thousand ways of which I know nothing. Once He did not stop the rain. Yet people passing by were running into the church for shelter. He kept the rain up till the message was done that HE WANTED THEM TO HEAR. Then he stopped it. I had to shout into the ear of the translator who shouted into the microphone. The tin roof was getting such a pounding, there was no way to hear!!!!! Wonder of wonders, there were appropriate responses to the quiz. They had to come up and shout the answer into the ear of the translator. They got it right and received their DVD.  Now----How did that work?  What did God do to move the program into the ears of all those who were there???

5.       Another rain miracle was that He did stop the rain when I asked.

6.       Another rain miracle was regarding the muddy roads. They were so slippery the car was always going sidewise during each trip through the slanted part that also had a drop off of erosion on the other side. I always prayed and the angels straightened and help the car pass on without getting stuck or hurting anyone. Once it was headed for a stuck vehicle and I could see 3 pairs of legs of men trying to push it. We were headed so fast to broadside them. I prayed and with only an inch, the car suddenly was turned to go past and then totally sidewise in the road. The men were shouting in their drunken state that they could have been killed and so they wanted to kill the driver and all in the car. God protected us as we straightened and went on home.

7.       Yet still another rain miracle happened. I prayed for rain water as the ones caring for me were restricting the water for bathing. I wanted plenty for my hair. I got it! It came at the time I could catch and utilize it.

8.       I prayed for rain delay on Friday afternoon so I could get my clothing hand- washed , finding soap, and water and they dry the clothes in the sun before Sabbath.  The storm went around and hit the village really hard.

9.        Next morning a van full of bananas and bags of stuff was stuck in the mud along the side of the one lane road blocking the way to meeting. They had no idea that the little ladies pushing could not even move such a heavy load. The angels were moving the truck. Our driver went to assist and he said it seemed the truck was moving along by itself. We got to meeting in time to set up and start on time. I am positive the angels were pushing. Many don’t realize they are getting blessed because of a missionary they are near. They did not realize it was God who helped them on their way out of an impossible ditch that had swallowed them up.

10.   Another miracle: A woman in clinic named Rose came and said that she had been given a dream where she was told to come to meeting. She did, and surrendered her life to Jesus. She told of all the white robed people in her dream and one looked like the grandfather who had attended the Adventist church before he died.

11.   One mother with sores all over her body clutching her 3 year old little boy sick in her arms with the same thing, wanted help.  He was crying and she claimed it was from stomach pain. I put charcoal in my drinking water bottle and handed it to him. He received it happily, drank it all and had instant relief. He settled in against his mama’s chest with peace on his face. As I prayed for them, she said she already saw the hand of God bringing their healing.

12.   Tom was an elder born in 1933. He had a dream he had a very important work. That  morning I needed him to help translate. God helped him. He found many ways to assist with the sanctuary coverings and candles and incense. I thank God for his faithfulness there and in clinic.

13.   Children came to listen to stories even when it was not meeting times and I was happy to give them Bible stories. A little girl started translating for all her friends. I love watching how the Holy Spirit reaches out through any age of person willing to take the time to translate.

14.   People came when it was not clinic time and I did my best to help yet needed a break from clinic.

15.   The projector needs another 500 dollar bulb. There has been no donations for another bulb.  It has gone more than 1000 hours beyond what it should have gone already. When power shut down, the bulb could have broken but kept on through all of it. The bulb needs to cool with the fan to keep the bulb from breaking. We did not have that luxury yet the bulb even though it is beyond it’s service potential by more than 1000 hours, it is another example of God multiplying what is in my hands. J

16.   I was very sick with respiratory infection after treating the lady with rotting flesh. I had fever and chills and used eucalyptus and water and other treatments. By 9pm Sunday, I was chilling and had 2 coats on and hat and socks. I just could not get comfortable. I had hot water put in my bed in water bottles. At midnight Tom and a visitor Meshack were praying and a turn in my recovery happened. At three AM again Tom was praying for me. I was surprised that anyone would take time like that to pray for me when I was so weak. I thank God for all who are praying for my strength.

17.   On the way home to USA on the plane, I had burning on my feet like I get with a fungus infection. I prayed that God would arrange for me to be upgraded to business class where I could recline and use the back massage for my backpain and in the little zipper bags, they provide new clean socks. As I was going through security, they put a stop on my ticket. I feared it meant something bad but it was the upgrade I prayed for. I had the new fresh socks given to me and it stopped the foot problem. I rode the long 9  hours home in reclined position like I was in bed. J

18.   Great is His faithfulness!!!! He called and brought 43 to baptism. The real miracle of conversion is done by God the Holy Spirit. I love to see it. Inside, we cannot see the heart working but the wind blows where it wants and we can see something great is happening in the heart of those going for baptism. The local members are following up the cases and interests .

Next assignment is  RWAND AFRICA. I need help with dollars for Megavoice Bibles. I am going soon and returning 3rd week of August 2012 .

God tells me when to go and when to return. Tickets to the hub of the continent of Africa are more than 2,000during peak season. Then from there into Rwanda is another 5oo.  I have 80 Bibles so far in Kenyarwandan (Megavoice talking Bibles)

I am praising God for the many chances to work with Him. Great Things God has done! Thanks for praying daily.

Jenny had a miracle with a man donating toward her summer school in LaSierra, California. She is doing Biology at God’s request all summer there.

Thank God for what son  Kyle  is doing. At the young age of 10 years, he helped with illustrations on my web site for Children’s Bible studies. Then he did the illustrations for the sanctuary program I am using now for 10 years. He is home for the summer of 2012 and working on illustrating Pilgrim’s progress. He hopes to reach many young people and show them how important it is to leave the worldly ways of “the city of destruction”, and head to the Holy City. By reading the Bible, the truth sets you free and you realize you have been bound in sin. Pilgrim leaves the city and his journey is full of difficulties. Later his family follow his example.  Kyle  returns to WWU for his senior year as a communications major. He may not have enough credits to graduate, yet he is making good progress. I am hopeful and wish you to realize this is a miracle I have been praying for  many years.

I am thanking God for a change visible in Kyle. Here is a picture

I love these promises:
All power is promised in heaven and earth to go and preach. Mathew 28:18

*Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing DA 330

*“He who walks in the way of God’s commandments is walking in company with Christ DA 230

*I will Remember at Whose command I set out to cross the sea. Remember Jesus is in the boat with us. You cannot sink. I puzzle over what more the disciples could have done. They were bailing water out of their boat and calling 911 to Jesus. He stopped the waves and asked why their faith was small and why were they afraid.

 If you consecrate self daily, angels are by your side ..choosing your words for you. ...” MYP 90

Can I doubt His tender mercy Who life has been my guide? Heavenly peace….

*He will guide and teach Ps 32:8

*He gives power to the faint is 40:29

*Jesus is ever present help in time of need. 5T215

*The  eyes of the Lord are watching to show Himself strong to you. 2 Chron.17:9

 “I will not be confounded; therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed. Is 50:7

*“Those who study the Bible, counsel with God, and rely on Christ will be enabled to act wisely at all times and under all circumstances…(EXAM TIME) The love of truth and righteousness must reign in the soul, …  {LHU 336.2}

If you want to help with Bibles, there are a few options

Direct if no receipt for tx needed: Larose McCluskey POB 351, Cheney, WA 99004

1.       Web site Followthelambseminars.blogspot.com

Click on the file folder option to the right on ways to help.

Missions Unlimited  (processes donation funds & tax receipts ) Mark it Follow the Lamb Seminars, /Dr. Rose McCluskey, Africa.

Jerry Dawes (president)

1617 Carson Lane

Wenatchee, WA 98801

POB 351

Cheney, WA 99004

                                                                                                                                                Written: July 9,2012

New track Cell 509-279-3801

Wigwam Woman

Wigwam Woman

  A gentle but firm sounding masculine voice awakened me with these words, “Wigwam woman, get up and drink the Mango juice that has been provided.”

  In 2008 I had been in the African country of Burundi at the Maranatha Academy giving a series of meetings. There was a large section of students that put their heads down the second I started the altar call at the end of each meeting. I wondered what was happening. The translator learned that there were some faculty that were not Adventist Christians and not in favor of the meetings. In fact, they encouraged the students not to listen. These teachers led the students in prayer for me to get sick and to die. Students informed the translator who informed the principal of the school. There might have been 50-70 of them. They sat together. They prayed earnestly that the meetings would stop.

  My symptoms fit that of one who has been poisoned.  Poisoning is a common way in Africa, yet the only way I could see it happening to me was if it was passed through the water or on certain food items we purchased because I did a lot of my own cooking.

  I had become violently ill shortly after cooking some broccoli that had a very bitter taste. The cramping started in 30 minutes. I had heard that many bodies of the war victims were still not buried. It is common that these have dirt thrown onto them just where they were. I wondered if a garden was planted over such a corpse and if it could pass toxins into the plants. I don’t know of any documentation on this. There are strict laws in USA about putting bodies in cemeteries or cremating them. So many health problems are avoided that way.

 I was so sick that no food was staying with me. I had treated my symptoms but the pain increased in my abdomen so sharply and I also had respiratory difficulty. I struggled to get air into my lungs. My legs felt like spaghetti and there was some blood oozing from nose, mouth and with loose waste. I could not support my weight. I drank so much charcoal thinking if it was poisoning, I could stop the results quickly. In the ceiling above me, I heard bats and figured their guano could also be a health risk causing the respiratory illness. I thought of Ebola. There were some known cases not too far distant from that region.

  When I went to and from meeting, I was supported by a kind student. Other students carried my computer and projector and cords.  As soon as I made the altar call, I went to the back room  behind the stage curtains and laid on the floor. My stomach emptied itself. I was lying on the floor too weak to move. It was too ugly to tell you about it all. During meeting, he students saw me walking freely with good animation and teaching the sanctuary truths. They had no idea how sick I was. Even the translator who was nearest could not realize it. It does seem rather fake unless you have read of stories of the same kinds of things happening to Ellen White.  Though very weak, she was given strength and freedom during the presentation as God was speaking through her. It is not by might nor by our power that these important Three Angels Message warnings are given. God gives the strength, and speaks through His messenger that He has called and ordained by His Holy Spirit.

  Back in my sleeping room, I fell into a deep sleep. The kind voice awakened me and commanded me to drink Mango juice. Now, there is some great healing with the vitamin A in this juice. I have seen vitamin “A” in carrot juice save the life on another younger missionary person, who no one, no doctor, not even the pediatric, gastroenterologist specialist could figure out.

  The command was firm so I began to move out of bed, puzzled at who was talking to me. I knew there was no one in Burundi who could speak such perfect English the way I was used to.

  I wondered about the way He called me “wigwam woman”. I am part Native American Indian. The famous Pocahantas Indian woman who saved the life of Captain John Smith, is an ancestor. My little grandma Laura Logan told that history to us. Pocahantas was Mattaponi Indian.  The Indian name for home was typically called a wigwam. On my feet were a pair of socks with the brand name “Wigwam”. Now if he was my angel, or Jesus, I do not know. It seems he does have a sense of humor and by speaking this name of “Wigwam Woman”, He showed he was no ordinary African calling in through my window. Those words are totally out of their vocabulary! I moved out to the little fridge they had provided for me.

  The nice cold juice tasted so delicious. I kept the little fridge locked as they requested. My heavenly watcher knew that my blood sugar was dangerously low. He saw no food remained and that I really should be in the hospital on an IV.

  I kept sipping away on the delicious Mango nectar till I had finished one liter or a bit more than a quart. I fell back asleep and recovery was on its way. Many came to pray for me. As Sabbath arrived, there was a grand baptism of 86 students. The leaders of the Division had come by for a visit and saw how sick I was. They returned on the day of baptism and took many pictures and praised God for the miracle demonstrated  that it was Jesus Who did that seminar. He was the instructor. I was weak till his power came on me. I spoke freely and moved about the sanctuary as though I was very strong and healthy.

  I like being His Wigwam woman. God can use anyone who is willing to take up the cross and follow Him. He can use this woman, who is part Native American Indian, and studied Theology, Biology minor, masters in Pediatrics, and Is a board certified family doctor.

Isaiah 40:30    Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 

 40:31  But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mindinau update March 23,12

In Lote church in Mindinau, Philippines we are thrilled to have 38 wanting baptism this Sabbath. Jenny arrived safely 3 days ago and is staying so busy. One man was so thrilled to be able to see. His vision is far sighted and the glasses we were given were about 700. This brought him so much joy that he went to town and purchased fruit to give Jenny.
She received an amazingly warm welcome at the airport..
Yesterday, she went to give a graduation service in an elementary school scheduled at the same time as our morning devotional.
She spoke about the second coming and how important  it is to keep the commandments. They each got a 10 commandment poster to put in their rooms at home and remember. They loved Jenny’s graduation gift to them.
From this graduation, she hurried to the church where I was doing clinic and by the end of yesterday, she had done 80 patients.

Jenny sharing truth with the young people.
Tomorrow we will see the first fruits. There are 39 asking for baptism tomorrow. The next Sabbath we expect to see more.
We have so little time to give this report but knew you would want to know right away how things are going. They are going great. WE WISH WE HAD SOME FUNDS FOR BIBLES FOR THE BAPTISM.
Each is 300 peso.
The supply is here but they are not free! There is a little boy who is 7 years old. The cost of his prescription glasses is 49 dollars beyond what the family can gather together. If we had it , we would give to him.
We are praying for God has a million ways to provide of which we know nothing.
More updates when we get a chance. Meantime we have 5 minutes till our ride and then it is morning devotional and clinic all day and then evening meetings and we fall exhausted into bed. Tomorrow is Sabbath and packed with meetings. Sunday morning Jenny returns to school. Hope you are praying for her travels. Thanks for all the prayers.
Dr. Rose

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I was real sick in Burundi, Africa and too weak to move, I laid on the bed. I woke up hearing myself addresssed as "Wigwam Woman". I heard a voice telling me to get up and drink the Mango juice provided. I was dehydrating fast with terrible stomach cramps, vomiting, bloody dysentary and wheezing so bad, I was sometimes on the floor on hands and knees gasping for air. No position seemed to help my lungs open. Each meeting I was helped to the church and as I began to speak, I had total energy and freedom to get up and move about the stage and present what God sent me to teach. Afterwards, I went behind the curtain and laid down vomiting and too weak to even move off of it.  I WONDERED IF I HAD BEEN POISONED. THERE WERE ALSO MANY BATS IN THE CEILING OF THE GUEST HOUSE.  Half of the audience put heads down when I called for their decision for Jesus. They were praying I would die. God gave me strength during sermons yet afterwards all symptoms resumed and I was struggling for air. (2008) I was greeted as "wigwam woman". God knew my heritage. It was a heavenly visitor speaking to me.  God was right there to help me. I drank the mango juice. I soaked in charcoal to take down the fever and drank some charcoal water and prayed. Someone thought I had demons and I heard him pray for demons to leave me. NO DEMONS WOULD PREACH THE 3 ANGELS MESSAGE!!!  :)   This Indian woman responded to the call of God in 1992 . I noticed in Desire of Ages that many called Jesus full of demons too. I am no greater than my MASTER. I had 87 who took baptism. That is why Satan was so angry. He was losing his territory. Is I keep pouring out all the love of Jesus, Satan warred and many did not understand. I just keep pouring and Jesus refills my pitcher daily. The water reminds me of God's requrement to share living water that I find at the spring each day. I speak about His 10 commandments and the prophecies. Jesus is coming soon. God is stronger than Satan who wants me destroyed. That's Why I Love Jesus so much.
WANT TO KNOW WHERE MY MOCCASINS ARE GOING NEXT??? Mindinau, Philippines. (Daughter Jenny will join me in this. She is no longer a papoose but is studying to be an eye doc. )
Then to Africa, Rwanda again (April 17-May 13 Wigwam mother's day"
Then to Philippines again. My moccassins are moving out in faith.
Thank you for praying daily for me. Thank you for all the support You have done for God's work.
Want to help my my moccasins get where He leads me? You can click on the button  "how you can help". If you like paypal, there is also that option.
MY BIG SACK CARRY MUCH!!!!!!  (Bibles)

Monday, March 5, 2012

The God of Jacob is my help

Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God! Ps 146:5 "Constantly He is sending His angels to those who, while surrounded by circumstances the most discouraging, pray in faith for some power higher than themselves to take possiession of them and bring deliverance and peace. In various ways God will reveal Himself to them and will place them in touch with providences that will establish their confidence...and not forget the works of God, but keep  His commandments." Ps. 78:7, Prophets and Kings 378

HOPE revives as we read His true promises. All His promises are true

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Drunk woman Disturbance

"Don't stop me from seeing God!" she shouted from her place near the front row. After a few sentences it was obvious she was drunk. Banana beer consumption is very common in Rwanda. I stopped my sermon, knelt again and prayed for the ability to keep my focus on what God wanted me to say for Him.
  The three meetings a day had been well attended and we were nearing the end of 2 1/2 weeks when this disturbance happened. A young man went over to sit beside the woman and keep her quiet. I prayed that she would fall asleep. Soon there was quiet. I thought maybe she had gone outside. I looked to where I  had seen her last and she was asleep.
  I remembered the drunks in meetings in Mexico. I recalled the drunk man who was paid to translate for me in Russia. Then I thought of the drunk who lunged at me in Russia while I was speaking. Some elders had restrained him before he got to me. I remembered the drunk soldiers who were trying to guard me in Muzo. There was a drunk soldier each night guarding at Nyanza university. Once in Burundi, a drunken soldier raised his rifle at me in the truck and stopped us from the front of the vehicle. We backed away and found lodging for the night.
  Jesus recognized the soul cry of the demon possessed man brought to Him even though the man was shouting words for Satan.
  I remember that Jesus has a special love for all sinners. I want that holy love. I like how it is described here:"This heaven-born love is not selfish and changeable. It is not a love dependent on human praise. The heart of him who drinks the blood of the Son of God overflows with a holy love for God and for those for whom Christ died. He does not love His fellow-creatures because they love and please Him, because they appreciate His merits and rightly estimate His value, but because they are Christ's purchased possession. {ST, October 11, 1899 par. 6}
God designs that everything possible shall be done to enable us to stand heart to heart, mind to mind, shoulder to shoulder.
  At the end of the meeting, as I was shaking hands of people as they left, there she was demanding some attention for clinic needs. She struck me with her hand and shouted because I did not know her language.
I backed up and she came after me. Two young men stopped her and persuaded her to go sign up for clinic.
I pray for those who are damaging their brain cells and decreasing their abilities by intemperance.
So many in Rwanda are damaging their eyes by drinking Banana beer.

200 miles over ice in an open sleigh to ask "What doest thou here, Elijah"

I am thankful JN Loughboro invited my grandfather and great grandfather to join the Advent movement. I have enjoyed the training in Adventist schools, in elementary, academy, college and university because my parents were committed to Christian education. They believed this way because of great grandfather and grandpa accepting the light and walking in it since the 1800's.
I am so thankful someone gave so we could have this light.

JN Loughboro was discouraged. His wife was tired of him being gone on evangelistic trips and wanted a nicer home  and more money. She complained till he quit his evangelistic tent meetings. The pressures on John were too much. Family made him sad. God had called him to preach but he gave up.

This amazing story of God even having His prescious servant suffer and travel 200 miles through an ice storm in an open sleigh to get John back working is worth your time!

And to all who question Dr. Rose for coming and going at God's command, I say:"Mathew 10:37 " He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 
Mathew  10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 
 10:39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. 
 10:40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. 

ALSO it is written in the Spirit of Prophecy:
“No earthly ties must hold Him from His mission, or influence His conduct. He must stand free to do the will of God….The claims of God are paramount even to the ties of human relationship. No earthly attraction should turn our feet from the path He bids us walk.” DA 146.2
Chapter 17 —A Dangerous Crossing on Ice
It was midnight. Ellen White stood at the window, looking out into the darkness. She was hoping and praying that the rain would stop before it melted the snow.
The Whites had been holding meetings with a new company of Sabbathkeepers in Round Grove, Illinois. Now the meetings were over. The two preachers, Josiah Hart and Elon Everts, who had been giving Bible lectures there, had promised to take my grandparents on a trip to Waukon, Iowa. Preparations had been made to start the following day, but falling rain was fast melting the snow, making sleighing impossible.
“It looks as though we shall have to give up the trip,” James said. And why not? Why make a two-hundred-mile journey by open sleigh in midwinter? The reason was that Ellen had been shown in vision that the Adventists in Waukon needed help, and she must go to them as soon as possible.
About the time when the Review family moved from Rochester to Battle Creek, John Andrews’ father left his rocky farm in Maine and moved west. He wrote back to his friends, “Come and join us. Land is cheap, and there is plenty of timber. You can build homes for yourselves and get a new start in life, and you can carry the Sabbath truth to the people here who have never heard it.” Before
long there was quite an Adventist colony in Waukon.
Worn out with constant studying, writing, and preaching, John Andrews gladly accepted an offer to come to Waukon and clerk in his uncle's grocery. After his arrival he wrote for his friend John Loughborough to come. Loughborough was discouraged. For several years he had been preaching while trying to support himself and his wife on the slim offerings given him. This was his opportunity, he thought, to make a little money. He hurried to Waukon, bought a set of tools, and began earning regular wages as a carpenter.
That night in the Hart home Ellen White slept fitfully. She was thinking of how much these two young men were needed in God's work. If only their faith could hold out a little longer! Men of means were accepting the message and beginning to support the Review office. Soon they would be able to help the young preachers. These two workers must be brought back.
Before retiring that night, Mr. Hart asked, “Sister White, what about the trip to Waukon?”
“We shall go!” she answered.
“Yes,” he replied. “If the Lord works a miracle, we shall go.”
Many times during the night she stood at the window watching for the miracle to happen. About daybreak snow began to fall, and it continued all day. This was the miracle they were praying for. By late afternoon there was sufficient snow for sleighing, and the group decided to start.
We are not told where they stopped that first night or whether they stopped at all. The following evening they reached a family of Adventists in Green Vale and spent the night with them. The next morning the roads were blocked by heavy snowdrifts, and they were compelled
to wait several days. Even when they did start, they had to stop often and dig through deep drifts.
At last they were only a few miles from the Mississippi River. About four o'clock in the morning they heard the sound of rain on the roof of their hotel. At that time there was no bridge across the river. They would have to cross on the ice. And now rain was falling on that ice, making it soft and weak.
Before daybreak they were up and on their way, knowing that every hour of rainfall increased the danger of the crossing. The horses broke through the snow crust at almost every step. As they passed people on the way, Mr. Hart stopped and asked, “How about the river? Will the ice hold us up?” The responses gave little encouragement. “I wouldn't try it for all the money in the world,” said one. And another, “They say one team broke through the ice, and the driver nearly lost his life.”
The travelers reached the riverbank. Standing up in the sleigh, Mr. Hart asked, “Is it on to Iowa, or back to Illinois? We have come to the Red Sea. Shall we cross?”
Without hesitation, Mrs. White answered, “Go forward, trusting in Israel's God.”
Mr. Hart drove cautiously onto the ice, which was covered by a foot of water and melting snow. Everyone in the sleigh was praying.
The ice held!
As the sleigh ascended the opposite bank, a cheer went up from the men standing along the river's edge. They had expected every moment to see the team break through. Praises ascended to God from those in the sleigh. Had they taken such a risk on their own responsibility, they could not have claimed the protection of Heaven. But, going at God's bidding, they could trust Him to keep them safe.
On Friday they stopped at a hotel to rest over the Sabbath. In the evening when they gathered in the parlor to sing hymns, the hotel guests came in and nearly filled the room. Mr. Everts hung up his chart and gave a Bible study. As the party was leaving, the hotelkeeper said, “Stop again on your way home and hold another meeting with us.”
The weather turned bitterly cold. Riding in the open sleigh, the travelers watched the faces of their companions. Occasionally someone would exclaim, “I see a white spot on your cheek; you'd better rub it with snow.”
On the last day of the journey Ellen White wrote in a letter home: “Here we are, fourteen miles this side of Waukon. We are all quite well. Have had quite a tedious time thus far. Yesterday for miles there was no track. Our horses had to plow through snow, very deep, but on we came. . . .
“Oh, such fare as we have had on this journey! Last Monday we could get no decent food, and tasted not a morsel with the exception of a small apple from morn till night. We have most of the time kept very comfortable, but it is the bitterest cold weather we ever experienced.
“Last night we slept in an unfurnished chamber where there was an opening for the stovepipe, running through the top of the house, a large space, big enough for a couple of cats to jump out of.” The cold wind blew in through that large opening.
The company at Waukon were amazed to see their visitors. No one had thought it possible for anybody to make the journey from Illinois in such weather. John Loughborough was working on a store building when he heard Brother Everts call, “Come down, John! Brother and Sister White and Brother Hart are here to see you.” He
clambered down the ladder and stood beside the sleigh.
Looking at him, Mrs. White asked solemnly, “What doest thou here, Elijah?”
“I'm doing carpentry work with Brother Mead,” John Loughborough answered.
Mrs. White's voice was more solemn than before. “What doest thou here, Elijah?”
John dropped his head.
A third time Mrs. White said, “What doest thou here, Elijah?” There was nothing John could say.
On the night before Christmas all the Adventist families in Waukon met in the Andrews home. For a week meetings were held every night. The group studied the message to the Laodicean church, the last Christian church on earth before Jesus comes. They had thought that the rebuke it contained was intended only for the churches that had rejected the message of Jesus’ soon coming. But now they saw that they themselves also were “lukewarm,” that they were “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”
They realized that many among them who had taught the truth very earnestly in times past were now forgetting to share their faith with neighbors. When talking with other Waukon settlers, they had much to say about their farms and the houses they were building. But they said little about the glorious new earth and the mansions Jesus was building for them over there.
Now they remembered the old times when they had been on fire for God. Many wept aloud. Jesus saw how sad they were and sent them a message of cheer. In one of the evening meetings, Ellen White was given a vision, during which she slowly and solemnly repeated the words, “Return unto Me, and I will return unto you. I will heal your backslidings and love you freely. Tear down the rubbish from the door of your hearts and open the door, and I will come in and sup with you and you with Me.” The words reminded the repentant group that God still loved them, and everyone felt encouraged.
Mary Loughborough stood up and said, “Brother and Sister White, I thought we had gotten where you could not find us; but I am glad you have come. I have sinned, and I have made my husband to sin. God forgive me! I clear away the rubbish. I open the door of my heart. Lord Jesus, come in!”
One of the men confessed that at times there had been so much farm work that he had used the sacred Sabbath hours for weekday toil. Another said he had cut down his offerings because he had wanted more money to invest in land. One after another the members made wrongs right and asked forgiveness for unkind things they had said and done.
Mrs. Loughborough stepped to her husband's side. “John,” she said, “I complained because you were away preaching so much of the time and I was left at home alone. Forgive me! Go back, trusting in God, and do His work.”
“I have laid down my hammer and driven the last nail,” her husband answered.
John Andrews also renewed his promise to return to the special work to which God had called him.
The meeting continued till midnight. At ten o'clock in the morning, the Adventists met for seven more hours without even stopping for lunch.
During the meetings one brother prayed especially for his son, who had denied any faith in the Bible. The father's prayer was answered. A short time afterward, as that
young man was traveling by steamer along the Mississippi, he was detained at a place called Rock Island. He went ashore. With nothing else to do, he began to think seriously. Was there really a God? How could he know? Then he heard a voice speaking in real words that he could hear with his ears, “Believe the Bible; it is the Word of God.” At once he answered aloud, “Yes, Lord, I will.”
Back at the ship he knelt in his cabin and gave his heart to God. After that he returned home and helped with the farming, at the same time giving Bible lectures and holding studies with his neighbors. Later he became a full-time minister. That young man was George I. Butler, who for many years was president of the General Conference.
When the Waukon company waved good-bye to their visitors from Illinois, tears were falling. Every one of them had pledged to make God first in all things. Never again would they allow the “cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches” to hide His face from them.
John Loughborough returned with the Whites, forsaking his carpentry work with its good wages and not knowing what lay before him. He was willing to go anywhere and do anything for Christ.
Starting with the others on the two-hundred-mile journey through storm and cold, he was thinking not of himself, but of Mary, his wife. Bravely she must now face the hardships of pioneer life without his companionship and help. During the remainder of the winter he spent much time visiting scattered believers. In a few months Mary joined him. For a time they traveled and worked with Elder and Mrs. White. During the summers Elder Loughborough would go out with a tent, conducting evangelistic meetings in new places.
John Andrews remained in Waukon until he had regained his health. Then he came back again into God's work. Never again did any difficulties cause either of these men to leave the gospel service.
As the sleigh sped homeward over the snow, Elder White said, “I feel many times repaid for facing the prairie winds and storms.” His companions drew their overcoats closer around them and tucked in their lap robes. Truly, God had blessed them. His love warmed their hearts.

This is from Ellen White stories
It is a special story for its impact on our family.
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Dr. Rose
Thanks for giving to the Lord.
Thanks for praying for His evangelists doing he work He has commanded. Instead of criticizing them, hold them up in prayer. You can never imagine the struggles they face as Satan realizes his end is near and that he is loosing territory from every evangelistic effort.

A gift Brought Sample and Logan Families Joy more than 140 years

There was a pioneer JN Loughborough, who set up a tent to hold meetings  in the 1800's where my great grandfather and my grandfather William Veck Sample found the truth. That gift is still bringing us joy. Because of this God has multiplied their gift thousands of times. See the story to the right on its stand alone page under the BUTTON. If you posts to come to your email, just click on that button found at the right. (Be sure to complete the directions and you can have confirmation in your email.)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Nyanza University Southern Rwanda, Africa


University students, villagers, and local builders came to Follow the Lamb Seminar program which provided 3 times a day. The head builder made a real nice frame for hanging the sanctuary curtains and provided that it be taken over at the end of 2.5 weeks to the next program site.

 As I  neared the end of the first week, there were 1,300 on the list to be seen in clinic. Going as fast as I could, plus doing 3 meetings a day lasting 2 hours counting set up and take down of my projector and computer, I could only see 30 a day. It seemed all wanted glasses. Soon I discovered the word had spread throughout the whole region that an American white doctor came to help them and was an eye specialist. The news of free glasses drew people from even 4 hours away. The purpose of my clinics to to pray with people after treating their medical needs and then try to lead them to know Jesus and invite them to my evangelistic meetings. Well, of course the the worldly person such a purpose is unheard of. They were scrambling, pushing and shouting. I smiled and spoke to all before clinic and tried to explain some health things. Whenever we had a pause in the frequent calling of "next patient", they would scold the translator for talking too much to me and wasting my time. On one such occasion, he told them we had a phone call. I explained to all of them that I would be shutting down and moving away because the phone call from the representative of the rector requested I be finished. That meant 1 day to do all those people. I knew what would happen after telling them this. We knelt and prayed. Then we had the next meeting and God had sent my friend Malgarita.
  She had seen in a vision praying hands. She came to meeting expecting some spiritual blessings from God and found out we were closing things down. She suggested Maranatha Secondary school. I asked for special prayers with her and translator at the end of the meeting. As we prayed, I had peace God would do something big. I hurried back to the room be begin packing.
  At the next meeting there was Malgarita with news of acceptance to hold the program at Maranatha and when could they expect me. The door was open.
  As we began to make plans that way, Malgarita said she had prayed at home that I would be given a chance to continue on at the University for the interest was very good. She even called the rector in Kigali and gave a good report and urged that another week could make a positive spiritual difference on the campus.
  As I went back to clinic, there was everything in uproar. The head elder and builder of school met me with many smiles and pleaded with me not to leave them. I told him, I was surprised for I had assumed someone was reporting that I must be finished and move on. He was surprised for he had set up hundreds of chairs for all coming to clinic and had bent over backwards to do all he could to bless God's medical evangelistic work. He even had a nice bed brought for exams, and it was made up nicely by himself. A white sheet I had taken from my bed was put at the window to keep people from peering in and he fixed it nice for me. He was on the list to be examined and wanted glasses to help him read his Bible. He said the people were angry at him and shouting at him for chasing me away. He said he was not the one chasing.
 Even the rector and his wife came to visit. Then I was given special help over the university internet by a Loma Linda Specialist who is a professor at the University. I put pictures up and the professor was so kind as  take time in the night after his busy day of work to answer me. I am so thankful to God. I would rush to clinic to present the Bible lesson and at times, did not know what I was going to present till I opened my mouth after praying to God. He delivered the lessons and I too was blessed.
 Whole families were experiencing blindness. I was counseled about medications for malaria causing blindness. He warned against frequent use of chloroquine. Malaria is a big problem.

God promises that if we do medical work, it will make another blessing happen. The evangelism will not be stopped or eclipsed. I have just related a story that is a case in point.

  Embarrased over the women's guest house being full of men and being expected to like the set up, I prayed and did not rest too well. I remained ready to move on. In the night God showed me what to do. It worked out well. You can see that story under "Highlights 2012"
The last Sabbath for the divine service on February 11, God had me give strong rebukes to sin and tears were in my eyes as I went for the last sermon. I described and explained 24 abominations which have moved into the church and are soon to be against the church. The worst abomination is over forced Sunday observance.  I expected the thousands to get up and flee but there was a great revival and many pledged for baptism and I pray that I will never deny my LORD.
 "those whom God calls must be men of deep experience, tried and proved, men of sound judgment, men who will dare to reprove sin in the spirit of meekness, men who understand how to feed the flock. God knows the heart, and he knows whom to select.— Vol. 1, p. 209.  {GW92 131.2}

     I was shown the low state of God's people; that God had not departed from them; but that they had departed from God, and become lukewarm. They possess the theory of the truth, but lack its saving power. As we near the close of time, Satan comes down with great power knowing his time is short. Especially upon the remnant will his power be exercised. He will war against them, he will seek to divide and scatter them, that they may grow weak and be overthrown. The people of God should move understandingly; their efforts should be united. They should be of the same mind, of the same judgment; then their efforts will not be scattered, but will be of force, and tell in the upbuilding of the cause of present truth. Order must be observed, and there must be union in regard to order, or Satan will take advantage of them.  {4bSG 45.2}
     I was shown that the enemy would come in every way possible to dishearten the people of God, and perplex and trouble them, and that they should move understandingly and prepare themselves for the attacks  of Satan. 1T

     I saw that the enemy would come in every way possible to dishearten the people of God and perplex and trouble
them, and that they should move understandingly, and prepare themselves for the attacks of Satan.  {1T 210.3}


Maranatha school

Nyanza village

Next PROJECT: Mindinau Philippines

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kenya Rift Valley surprise

Baptism surprise! Pastor gets taken under too

by Larose Sample McCluskey on Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 12:20pm ·
Finished Naishi in Rift Valley this morning!
Greetings from friend's house in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa (Evening January 15) Will be doing God's next requirement in Rwanda. Thanks for your prayers.


The Naishi project in Rift Valley is done. Sabbath the church was full and the District Officer had a soldier drive me to the home where I had a room to put equipment there, then he took me to the river for the baptism. There were 16 on the list but the focus on preparing them did not get done and they would have come if they knew about it. There were only five ready and while the last of those 5 was being baptized she was so frightened that she pulled the pastor under. I caught in on film. The whole witnessing crowd was laughing like I have never heard at a baptism. It was too funny for the solemn meaning of burying sins and coming up in a new walk with Jesus The mother of the woman being baptized was holding the umbrella for me to shade me from the burning sun. She was laughing so hard about the pastor going under that I shut off the movie camera. After the pastor recovered his composure I suggested he ask if others watching wanted baptism too. There were 11 more who signed to be baptized in April. Some insisted it be done immediately. After examining and questioning, the pastor took two into the stream. The waterfalls right beside me on the rock prevented us from hearing his prayer but I noticed he had a big stick for the next one to hold onto. He kept taking her hand off his arm.


I saw 300 patients. There were a thousand registered to be treated, the pastor informed me. Some of the cases were so challenging. I was disappointed that since the people had listened all day while waiting, they had no interest to come in the evening to hear my seminar. I was told it was because they are afraid in the night and they fear the Adventists. However, one woman named Margaret was prayed for as I finished her treatments. I felt impressed to invite her to be baptized like Jesus, by going under the water. She was very willing. Her life has been full of trouble and she was so ready to follow Jesus. I sent my translator to her home to study immediately and get her ready. She was baptized and received the Swahili Talking Bible MP3 player that Gary Fuller sent. Margaret was healed the next day after being seen in clinic. She was very excited about that.

THE MP3 PLAYERS HAD ARRIVED IN MY POST OFFICE BOX JUST IN THE RIGHT TIMING FOR ME TO GET THEM BEFORE GOING TO KENYA. I was amazed to find the package on my way to the airport. God made sure I found them before boarding my flight. What a blessing. They were so excited to get them. Many came begging for one. There were exactly 7 baptized and 7 MP3 players.

Each evening there were about 40 attending. We had a small electric line. It was barely enough power. The little light bulbs were not really strong enough for reading the Bible texts. On Sabbath about 400 attended. By the last Sabbath the prejudice was down and the local members came begging for DVDS that can be won at quiz time if people listened. We had language translations into Kikuiyu and Swahili. That is really difficult for me. My mind is moving along really fast but had to pause twice as long for translations. Many times I had to pray for help when one or the other translator decided to add in stuff. I lost my concentration on where I was going.
I learned as I left that there was also the Kisi language. No wonder they had no interest in coming. No one bothered to tell me. I was watching the children get up and run out and have a blank look so asked and discovered they knew only Kikuiyu.

SURPRISE FREE GAME PARK TOUR! I was very tired as I began the project and during my reading of Desire of Ages, found the strong words about taking time to rest. God told his disciples to come and rest awhile. I chose Wednesday. That first Wednesday was spent sleeping and trying to get well. Time zone difference made it 820AM at home when it was 720pm in Kenya. The second Wednesday, the pastor asked for the District officer’s permission to have his driver take us in the land rover to the local animal park. It is located just within visible distance but took about 1.5 hours to drive there over very rough dirt roads. The park requested so much money. (10,000 shillings) After calling the district officer who had provided free use of the vehicle and realizing I had been serving their people free, we had free access. It was so nice! We saw lions, buffalo, rhino, and so many zebras. The chimps and baboons were amazing. The driver was thrilled and said he planned to take his family there someday. We drove through as these animals roamed freely. It was a thrill to have them in the fields near the vehicle. We watched large white pelicans fishing in the lake and saw some opportunist smaller birds which looked like grebes waiting for a fish which the pelican might drop.

They had requested 10,000 shillings and God provided free access for us. The break away from the routine was therapeutic for me. The many challenges in Naishi are behind me now. I enjoyed watching the baptism.

After finishing last night, we packed up the sanctuary and awarded the baptized people with MP3 Bibles and this morning awaited transport out of Naishi. After leaving at 10AM, there was a man awaiting prayers for healing. He waited along the way at a hotel. He had heard of my prayers raising a dead person. His daughter works at the conference office and heard through a man James who had visited Naishi. So he requested I stop for prayers. Then I visited the hospital under construction at the Central Conf. office. Finally by 6pm, we arrived safely in friend Roberts home. I was able to get a bit of internet catch up. So thankful to God for answered prayers
a nslations. I age some delicious foods, enjoyed mangos, and mango juice. I was thankful for 4 wool blankets and wore a coat to bed and a nice fleece top.