10 Best Things God has done in my 60 years of life

Favorite 10 Miracles out of 1,000 in my life of 60 yrs

1. Like the Bible story of Hannah, and Samuel, I Prayed 13 years and was given sons then 19 years and a daughter was given. Like Hannah God blessed with several children. 1985-1991

2. God raised my dead daughter who died crib death in 1992.

3. God called me 3 nights in a row to medical mission work utilizing the sanctuary model for stage in preaching the 3 angels messages. (Dec. 1,2, and 3, 1992)

4. God delivered me from a mob with murder plans in India and gave me 21 opportunities to share my testimony in many churches of different denominations and pray for those asking healing then healing them. 2003

5. When home burned to ashes, another was given plus a car and all furniture and clothing we needed.( 2005) No one, not even our pets died in the fire! 2005

6. God has stood above me in a pillar of cloud by day on more than 60 occasions and Five times at night in a pillar of fire.. (Isaiah 4: 5 & 6; and Patriarchs and Prophets 283) J Thust before we arrived, it was announced by God to the sister of the translator as she was looking at chariots on the clouds. A voice told her, "Two of God's warriors are comming to give the final warning." We had tried 3 times to do God's request. Must fasting and prayer and many attempts were blocked by confused church leaders. Finally when VP of GC Mark Finley sent the letter of recommendation, the way was cleared and I entered with Jenny and the government housed us, gave matress from soldiers, guards of soldiers, a generator, and we did our own cooking on the steps over the open fire. We bathed with a bucket in a little room in the goverrnment offices under soldier guards. 200 requested baptism and a pillar of cloud covered that mountain all weekend and stood above the mobile baptistry we raised funds to have up there from the capital city. It was a struggle for the truck to get it up there but God made it happen. The pastor gave up after 110 were baptized. One who was refused heard we were on another mountain a few months later. He walked 4 hrs through the jungles 3 times before he finally was there at the right time. He had walked about 96 miles all together. The water was shut off by Anglican hospital when it was discovered the purpose of the large hole being filled with water. A mighty wind happened and a pillar of cloud came pouring in the baptismal water. It was filmed knowing the camera would be destroyed. It was worth it to have such a miracle on film. It is on DVD #30. I have made over 52 DVDS of answers to prayer like these. But these are my absolute favorites. 2008 Both Jenny and I were eye witnesses

7. God has gone before me to tell people I was coming and to listen “to the woman who stands by the altar” and showed Rebecca in Papua New Guinea Kubugam village, the harp music Jenny would playc. Result: 5 villages of people came and camped about us and demanded 3 meetings a day during Jenny’s spring break of 2011 in PNG. There were 45 baptized and 27 more signed up to study and be baptized next opportunity. IN Southern Rwanda, Nyanza village an angel with Bible in hand was bringing the 3 angels messages years before I was there. They knew it was a fulfillment by the messages they heard.
The promise had comforted them during the genocide that they would one day have light from heaven on many things they did not understand. Then afterwards, foul, unclean birds would also come and take away what they could of that light. (dream was in 1986, and fulfilled in Feb 5-11, 2012 and more is to be given during cooking classes coming up next)
8. UNKNOWN DESTINATION: Six different times I have been sent urgently with only God knowing my final destination. God is such a wise GENERAL and knows how cell phone texting can block HIS WORK. He is teaching me to trust HIM WITH ALL MY FAITH and know HE WILL TELL ME AT THE MOMENT I NEED TO KNOW what to do next and how to counsel my children from far away even out of reach of phones and internet. At the destination, God helped me with the surprise challenges. One was a medical school seeking the truth of morality issues regarding sex out of marriage and what to do with the unborn child. Another was in the Highlands of PNG where leaders are so frightened of offshoots they are actually blocking God’s messengers doing the 3 Angels Messages.

9. I was shown in a dream an angel showing me take all my books from my shelves and take them to Jazzer in Marinduqe Island and was instructed trouble was coming soon. (Jan 2011)

10. Angel seen by my unconscious fever stricken 4 yr old first born. He sat up, looked up and talked for the first time in several days. He was sweetly saying and smiling “ANGEL, ANGEL”. He had been healed.