Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kenya Rift Valley surprise

Baptism surprise! Pastor gets taken under too

by Larose Sample McCluskey on Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 12:20pm ·
Finished Naishi in Rift Valley this morning!
Greetings from friend's house in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa (Evening January 15) Will be doing God's next requirement in Rwanda. Thanks for your prayers.


The Naishi project in Rift Valley is done. Sabbath the church was full and the District Officer had a soldier drive me to the home where I had a room to put equipment there, then he took me to the river for the baptism. There were 16 on the list but the focus on preparing them did not get done and they would have come if they knew about it. There were only five ready and while the last of those 5 was being baptized she was so frightened that she pulled the pastor under. I caught in on film. The whole witnessing crowd was laughing like I have never heard at a baptism. It was too funny for the solemn meaning of burying sins and coming up in a new walk with Jesus The mother of the woman being baptized was holding the umbrella for me to shade me from the burning sun. She was laughing so hard about the pastor going under that I shut off the movie camera. After the pastor recovered his composure I suggested he ask if others watching wanted baptism too. There were 11 more who signed to be baptized in April. Some insisted it be done immediately. After examining and questioning, the pastor took two into the stream. The waterfalls right beside me on the rock prevented us from hearing his prayer but I noticed he had a big stick for the next one to hold onto. He kept taking her hand off his arm.


I saw 300 patients. There were a thousand registered to be treated, the pastor informed me. Some of the cases were so challenging. I was disappointed that since the people had listened all day while waiting, they had no interest to come in the evening to hear my seminar. I was told it was because they are afraid in the night and they fear the Adventists. However, one woman named Margaret was prayed for as I finished her treatments. I felt impressed to invite her to be baptized like Jesus, by going under the water. She was very willing. Her life has been full of trouble and she was so ready to follow Jesus. I sent my translator to her home to study immediately and get her ready. She was baptized and received the Swahili Talking Bible MP3 player that Gary Fuller sent. Margaret was healed the next day after being seen in clinic. She was very excited about that.

THE MP3 PLAYERS HAD ARRIVED IN MY POST OFFICE BOX JUST IN THE RIGHT TIMING FOR ME TO GET THEM BEFORE GOING TO KENYA. I was amazed to find the package on my way to the airport. God made sure I found them before boarding my flight. What a blessing. They were so excited to get them. Many came begging for one. There were exactly 7 baptized and 7 MP3 players.

Each evening there were about 40 attending. We had a small electric line. It was barely enough power. The little light bulbs were not really strong enough for reading the Bible texts. On Sabbath about 400 attended. By the last Sabbath the prejudice was down and the local members came begging for DVDS that can be won at quiz time if people listened. We had language translations into Kikuiyu and Swahili. That is really difficult for me. My mind is moving along really fast but had to pause twice as long for translations. Many times I had to pray for help when one or the other translator decided to add in stuff. I lost my concentration on where I was going.
I learned as I left that there was also the Kisi language. No wonder they had no interest in coming. No one bothered to tell me. I was watching the children get up and run out and have a blank look so asked and discovered they knew only Kikuiyu.

SURPRISE FREE GAME PARK TOUR! I was very tired as I began the project and during my reading of Desire of Ages, found the strong words about taking time to rest. God told his disciples to come and rest awhile. I chose Wednesday. That first Wednesday was spent sleeping and trying to get well. Time zone difference made it 820AM at home when it was 720pm in Kenya. The second Wednesday, the pastor asked for the District officer’s permission to have his driver take us in the land rover to the local animal park. It is located just within visible distance but took about 1.5 hours to drive there over very rough dirt roads. The park requested so much money. (10,000 shillings) After calling the district officer who had provided free use of the vehicle and realizing I had been serving their people free, we had free access. It was so nice! We saw lions, buffalo, rhino, and so many zebras. The chimps and baboons were amazing. The driver was thrilled and said he planned to take his family there someday. We drove through as these animals roamed freely. It was a thrill to have them in the fields near the vehicle. We watched large white pelicans fishing in the lake and saw some opportunist smaller birds which looked like grebes waiting for a fish which the pelican might drop.

They had requested 10,000 shillings and God provided free access for us. The break away from the routine was therapeutic for me. The many challenges in Naishi are behind me now. I enjoyed watching the baptism.

After finishing last night, we packed up the sanctuary and awarded the baptized people with MP3 Bibles and this morning awaited transport out of Naishi. After leaving at 10AM, there was a man awaiting prayers for healing. He waited along the way at a hotel. He had heard of my prayers raising a dead person. His daughter works at the conference office and heard through a man James who had visited Naishi. So he requested I stop for prayers. Then I visited the hospital under construction at the Central Conf. office. Finally by 6pm, we arrived safely in friend Roberts home. I was able to get a bit of internet catch up. So thankful to God for answered prayers
a nslations. I age some delicious foods, enjoyed mangos, and mango juice. I was thankful for 4 wool blankets and wore a coat to bed and a nice fleece top.

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