Friday, February 17, 2012

Nyanza University Southern Rwanda, Africa


University students, villagers, and local builders came to Follow the Lamb Seminar program which provided 3 times a day. The head builder made a real nice frame for hanging the sanctuary curtains and provided that it be taken over at the end of 2.5 weeks to the next program site.

 As I  neared the end of the first week, there were 1,300 on the list to be seen in clinic. Going as fast as I could, plus doing 3 meetings a day lasting 2 hours counting set up and take down of my projector and computer, I could only see 30 a day. It seemed all wanted glasses. Soon I discovered the word had spread throughout the whole region that an American white doctor came to help them and was an eye specialist. The news of free glasses drew people from even 4 hours away. The purpose of my clinics to to pray with people after treating their medical needs and then try to lead them to know Jesus and invite them to my evangelistic meetings. Well, of course the the worldly person such a purpose is unheard of. They were scrambling, pushing and shouting. I smiled and spoke to all before clinic and tried to explain some health things. Whenever we had a pause in the frequent calling of "next patient", they would scold the translator for talking too much to me and wasting my time. On one such occasion, he told them we had a phone call. I explained to all of them that I would be shutting down and moving away because the phone call from the representative of the rector requested I be finished. That meant 1 day to do all those people. I knew what would happen after telling them this. We knelt and prayed. Then we had the next meeting and God had sent my friend Malgarita.
  She had seen in a vision praying hands. She came to meeting expecting some spiritual blessings from God and found out we were closing things down. She suggested Maranatha Secondary school. I asked for special prayers with her and translator at the end of the meeting. As we prayed, I had peace God would do something big. I hurried back to the room be begin packing.
  At the next meeting there was Malgarita with news of acceptance to hold the program at Maranatha and when could they expect me. The door was open.
  As we began to make plans that way, Malgarita said she had prayed at home that I would be given a chance to continue on at the University for the interest was very good. She even called the rector in Kigali and gave a good report and urged that another week could make a positive spiritual difference on the campus.
  As I went back to clinic, there was everything in uproar. The head elder and builder of school met me with many smiles and pleaded with me not to leave them. I told him, I was surprised for I had assumed someone was reporting that I must be finished and move on. He was surprised for he had set up hundreds of chairs for all coming to clinic and had bent over backwards to do all he could to bless God's medical evangelistic work. He even had a nice bed brought for exams, and it was made up nicely by himself. A white sheet I had taken from my bed was put at the window to keep people from peering in and he fixed it nice for me. He was on the list to be examined and wanted glasses to help him read his Bible. He said the people were angry at him and shouting at him for chasing me away. He said he was not the one chasing.
 Even the rector and his wife came to visit. Then I was given special help over the university internet by a Loma Linda Specialist who is a professor at the University. I put pictures up and the professor was so kind as  take time in the night after his busy day of work to answer me. I am so thankful to God. I would rush to clinic to present the Bible lesson and at times, did not know what I was going to present till I opened my mouth after praying to God. He delivered the lessons and I too was blessed.
 Whole families were experiencing blindness. I was counseled about medications for malaria causing blindness. He warned against frequent use of chloroquine. Malaria is a big problem.

God promises that if we do medical work, it will make another blessing happen. The evangelism will not be stopped or eclipsed. I have just related a story that is a case in point.

  Embarrased over the women's guest house being full of men and being expected to like the set up, I prayed and did not rest too well. I remained ready to move on. In the night God showed me what to do. It worked out well. You can see that story under "Highlights 2012"
The last Sabbath for the divine service on February 11, God had me give strong rebukes to sin and tears were in my eyes as I went for the last sermon. I described and explained 24 abominations which have moved into the church and are soon to be against the church. The worst abomination is over forced Sunday observance.  I expected the thousands to get up and flee but there was a great revival and many pledged for baptism and I pray that I will never deny my LORD.
 "those whom God calls must be men of deep experience, tried and proved, men of sound judgment, men who will dare to reprove sin in the spirit of meekness, men who understand how to feed the flock. God knows the heart, and he knows whom to select.— Vol. 1, p. 209.  {GW92 131.2}

     I was shown the low state of God's people; that God had not departed from them; but that they had departed from God, and become lukewarm. They possess the theory of the truth, but lack its saving power. As we near the close of time, Satan comes down with great power knowing his time is short. Especially upon the remnant will his power be exercised. He will war against them, he will seek to divide and scatter them, that they may grow weak and be overthrown. The people of God should move understandingly; their efforts should be united. They should be of the same mind, of the same judgment; then their efforts will not be scattered, but will be of force, and tell in the upbuilding of the cause of present truth. Order must be observed, and there must be union in regard to order, or Satan will take advantage of them.  {4bSG 45.2}
     I was shown that the enemy would come in every way possible to dishearten the people of God, and perplex and trouble them, and that they should move understandingly and prepare themselves for the attacks  of Satan. 1T

     I saw that the enemy would come in every way possible to dishearten the people of God and perplex and trouble
them, and that they should move understandingly, and prepare themselves for the attacks of Satan.  {1T 210.3}


Maranatha school

Nyanza village

Next PROJECT: Mindinau Philippines

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