Dead Raised to Life

Dead Raised to Life - Turning point for this doctor Rose
 Peter told Jesus to depart from him because he was a sinner but he hung onto the feet of Jesus not wanting him to go. Daniel and Isaiah fell on their faces before God confessing their own goodness was really corruption and they had unclean lips when they realized they were in the presence of God. (Daniel 10:8 and Isaiah 6:5)
  In 1979 when we were on a camping trip with student Drs. Rick and Kay Henderson we put up our tents on the shore and that Friday evening, I saw in a dream Jesus coming. I was so thrilled the event was finally happening. I looked at Jesus and saw how kind His face was. Then when He looked at me, He had tears in His eyes.  I had thought of myself as a “good girl”. I was faithful to my husband of 7 years, I went to church, shared my faith, and carried my Bible and gave tithes and offerings. What did I lack. As I looked at Jesus all my goodness was ugly. I saw disappointment in the eyes of Jesus. Then the dream was over. I could not stop crying. What was I lacking that I could not go to heaven? I turned on my flashlight and picked up the Steps to Christ booklet I had brought along for reading on the Sabbath. I asked Jesus to open it to where I was lacking. It opened to the chapter on prayer. It said that if we really were preparing to go to heaven, we would go where people are praying. Midweek services is called prayer meeting. It mentioned we should make that as an appointment we do not miss.
  My mind turned to a sweet friend Lindy who was asking me often to join them for prayer groups at the Loma Linda Village church. I kept telling her I had to study for biochemistry tests which were almost every day that summer. I said I was studying to be a missionary doctor. When I would awaken, I would read a verse and rush out the door praying as I ran for the bus. That was it. I took no time to go on my knees and spend time in the Most Holy room audience chamber with God.
  God was telling me I was losing my walk with Him. How could I ever go as a missionary if I did not have the lamp burning bright in my own soul.  I must spend a thoughtful hour on the life of Jesus and also search the prophecies and seek first the kingdom of heaven.
 Peter and the other disciples had not completely forsaken their other occupations till the day Jesus filled their nets with fish after a whole night catching nothing. When they put their net on the right side, as Jesus commanded them from the shore, Jesus called the fish and they all went into the net. Jesus showed them He could provide for all their needs and that he had power over nature.
  Jesus showed me His power when he raised my dead daughter when I prayed. He repeated this evidence when she was dying of malaria in Africa. At that point a big lesson was learned in my life of self-distrust. As a doctor, I was confident and prided in my schooling. God showed me that no matter if we have done all medical tasks perfect, a person can die. He alone has the power of healing.
  This lesson of self-distrust, He is constantly teaching me in stronger ways. I read that “The first thing to be learned  by all who would become workers together with God is the lesson of self-distrust; then they are prepared to have imparted to them the character of Christ. This is not gained through education in the most scientific schools. It is the fruit of wisdom that is obtained from the divine TEACHER ALONE.” Desire of Ages
  When fasting and praying every 10 minutes for three days over an Africa assignment from heaven yet resistance at the location,  I wanted a sign of a rainbow if I was to pack up and proceed to Rwanda. I never want to show any disrespect for leadership but God had asked me to go. I wanted to make sure I understood God’s command clearly, then I would go. Tickets were all ready purchased and the day was approaching for departure.
  On April 25, 2010 a mighty wind shook the home where I was alone at the time. I grabbed the camera so I could show my husband the rainbow I was sure I was going to see. I clicked many times at the beautiful rainbow and suddenly as it was over my home, I saw a pillar of cloud over the place I had been praying every 10 minutes. I began to feel there was nothing holy or clean about me. I trembled for I knew God had showed me He is the one in charge. He is the mighty general of the armies of heaven. Jesus gave His life for those people He wanted me to share with. No matter who was blocking I must move forward in faith. That was very clear to me. Minutes later as I dried my tears and prayed to my God on my knees, I began packing for HIS event that HE had planned.
  In 2007 another event in the mountains of North Rwanda occurred. We were being prevented from doing what God asked in a little mountain village. I failed to get permission and government officials feared for my safety and ported me all the way back to Kigali fearing I would be killed. I was on my face before God praying for them and asking God to send me somewhere else. He asked me if I loved Him, three times like Peter. I said I did and He requested I go back and feed His lambs and sheep on that mountain. After a big struggle, I went and was rejected another time. Two hours of shouting happened and Pastor Paul escorted me back to the safety of his home. I wept again and did not understand God’s plan. Finally it was discovered the requested letter of recommendation by Mark Finley had been written and sent in my email. It was printed and signed by local leaders and brave local friends purchased provisions and Jenny and I did what God sent us to do on that mountain. Just before we got there, the sister to one of my translators saw chariots on the clouds and a voice from heaven saying two of God’s warriors were coming to give the final messages of warning.
  During those meetings, there was a big cloud over the government lodge and meeting site. By night there was a pillar of fire. It was described as exactly formed and brilliant as my graphics of the pillar of fire over the tabernacle in the wilderness at night. (Isaiah 4: 5 & 6 and Patriarchs and Prophets 282 and 283) The prophecy is being fulfilled.
  I noticed in the book Great Controversy that in the country of France in the 1700’s there was so many murderers and torturing of the people who loved to read the Bible and follow its teachings. Even when reformers had to flee out of the country, they kept trying to get the truth inside of France. Though beaten, they were compelled by God to return and try over and over. There is so much mercy in the heart of God for those who are rejecting Him. I read through hundreds of pages in this book yesterday and realize God is so merciful in the many attempts to reach the rebellious.
  “Christ Himself longed to open to Israel the precious treasures of the truth! But such was their spiritual blindness that it was impossible to reveal to them the truths relating to His kingdom. They clung to their creed and their useless ceremonies when the truth of Heaven awaited their acceptance.” DA 243.4
 Their rejection of the Spirit culminated in the cross of Calvary, in the destruction of their city, (AD 70) in the scattering of the nation to the winds of heaven.” Desire of Ages 241.3 Jesus told them that their house was left unto them desolate. (Mathew 23:38) What a fearful thing for God to say this about anyone. He created them and sent many prophets to help them but they rejected, abused, scorned, and killed them. What if He says that about our home. Are we blinded by the world? Is He right now passing over our homes saying, “let them alone, there is no more we can do for them”?
  “As the Son of God passed out from those walls, God’s presence was withdrawn forever from the temple built to His glory.” Acts of the Apostles 145.2
    When God counsels us to shake the dust off our feet as missionaries there is a bad curse that goes at the end of His command. I don’t want that curse on anyone, so I am very cautious to shake the dust and move on. When God commands me to go into a place, I consider is serious as Elijah did when he went uninvited before King Ahab and when Esther went before the Persian king Ahasuerus. Invitations are not needed when God commands a message to be taken to a people.
 “And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues…”(Luke 9:5, Mathew 10:14, 15-18)
The miracle of God raising my dead daughter is a very precious memory. It brought me to be fully engaged in God’s work. If I am killed in serving the Lord, God can raise me again. He may choose to do it right away or at the time He comes in the sky. I am fully dependent on Him for every breath anyway.
 The pillar of fire is a stamp of evidence of what He promised in Mathew 28:19 and 20. God is never going to leave His workers. He stands by their side and calls ten thousand times ten thousand to help if needed.
 There were over 200 wanting baptism. The soldiers who guarded us were among them. The government workers were all watching. Three days later a trailer was hauled up the mountain for the baptism. Water was put inside and over 100 were baptized one by one till the pastor was too tired to keep going. A giant pillar of cloud was pictured above us on that day right above the tank.
There is unfinished work up there.
  The hatred against Jesus is what His followers can expect. I just noted this in Desire of Ages this morning. The reason stated is that the purity of the follower comes as a silent rebuke to the one who takes no time to read the Bible or pray. Jesus healed the sick and showed so many evidences He was God but love of display blinded them. Love of tradition and creeds kept them from searching the scriptures. (Thoughts from Desire of Ages chapter 24)
  “If men will endure the necessary discipline, without complaining or fainting by the way, God will teach them hour by hour, and day by day.” Desire of Ages chapter 25, page 250-251
  The book Desire of Ages is the finest work on the life and teachings of Jesus. I recommend it highly as a place to spend your hour a day on the life of Jesus. If we do this with our mind engaged and with a desire to be like Him, He will grant that wish and bring us over a road of experiences that will lead us to distrust our own wisdom and go to Him for directions. The power He demonstrates is enough for us to believe and be changed into His likeness. We must put on His white robe, His character. This is an absolute criteria for entrance into heaven.
 Another person has made a very positive evaluation of this inspired book Desire of Ages. The chief curator of the Library of Congress stated that the book Desire of Ages is stated to be the finest biography on the life of Jesus ever written.