Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mindinau update March 23,12

In Lote church in Mindinau, Philippines we are thrilled to have 38 wanting baptism this Sabbath. Jenny arrived safely 3 days ago and is staying so busy. One man was so thrilled to be able to see. His vision is far sighted and the glasses we were given were about 700. This brought him so much joy that he went to town and purchased fruit to give Jenny.
She received an amazingly warm welcome at the airport..
Yesterday, she went to give a graduation service in an elementary school scheduled at the same time as our morning devotional.
She spoke about the second coming and how important  it is to keep the commandments. They each got a 10 commandment poster to put in their rooms at home and remember. They loved Jenny’s graduation gift to them.
From this graduation, she hurried to the church where I was doing clinic and by the end of yesterday, she had done 80 patients.

Jenny sharing truth with the young people.
Tomorrow we will see the first fruits. There are 39 asking for baptism tomorrow. The next Sabbath we expect to see more.
We have so little time to give this report but knew you would want to know right away how things are going. They are going great. WE WISH WE HAD SOME FUNDS FOR BIBLES FOR THE BAPTISM.
Each is 300 peso.
The supply is here but they are not free! There is a little boy who is 7 years old. The cost of his prescription glasses is 49 dollars beyond what the family can gather together. If we had it , we would give to him.
We are praying for God has a million ways to provide of which we know nothing.
More updates when we get a chance. Meantime we have 5 minutes till our ride and then it is morning devotional and clinic all day and then evening meetings and we fall exhausted into bed. Tomorrow is Sabbath and packed with meetings. Sunday morning Jenny returns to school. Hope you are praying for her travels. Thanks for all the prayers.
Dr. Rose

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