About me

ABOUT Dr. Rose

 This Family doc had a life changing event in 1992. After my daughter was raised from the dead, I made God a promise I would go anywhere He wanted. Five months later,  I was called 3 times. Like Samuel, I wondered what was happening. I obeyed. After a couple years, I sold my practice and moved out in faith. God has sent us to 20 countries so far.  We do free medical clinics and evangelistic series. There is an eye examination and glasses fitting section and general medicine and sometimes dental help that Jenny and I do.

  Since 1976 I have worked in medical field. First it was as a nurse aide, then missionary nurse, then graduate nurse while working on masters level Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program at Loma Linda. After 1980 I was in Kansas City working as PNP and working on Doctorate in nursing when I decided to enter medical school where my husband was. After graduation, residency in family practice, we moved to Oregon. I had my family practice for 5 years then began the current services all over the world.
 I took a Theology degree when I realized so many are frightened while dying. They seem to die at early hours of the morning when the chaplain wants to be asleep. I figured I needed to help them but felt unqualified. I took the pastor’s training and graduated with a second degree. The intention was only to help people while dying. God had another plan. He wanted me to share the gospel. I was too frightened to speak out even in class. But God gave me boldness after much prayer. I am an unlikely person for an evangelist but with God all things are possible. He called me and I have gone at His request. I am the one who gets the greatest blessings as I see Him work great efforts to point sinners to the cross.

   I had 5 children. Four are sons and one is a daughter. One son died at birth. The comfort God gave, is a blessing to others as well. When the second child died, God raised her when I prayed. That is what made such an impression on me that I felt like I could never give God enough gratitude.

   We had 5 children. Four are sons and one is a daughter. Now there is one daughter in law. One son died at birth. The comfort God gave, is a blessing to others as well. When the second child died, God raised her when I prayed. That is what made such an impression on me that I felt like I could never give God enough gratitude.

 Jenny is studying with the goal of being an eye surgeon to increase our benefits on these missions. She has enjoyed preaching since she was 10 years old. Every time she has a school break, she is ready to go immediately to share by doing medical clinics and preaching.

 The sanctuary model is the stage set for the presentation of 28 fundamental beliefs in the 3 Angels Messages.  When the two of us are working together, the whole presentation picture involves 70 hours plus some time for training medical missionaries. We have treated thousands of patients in jungle villages.  Sometimes the audiences are 12,000 and in other locations small audiences.

 Pillar of fire over Muzo at Gov. lodging where the sanctuary was set up.

ISAIAH 4: 5& 6
  God has stood above us numerous times in a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire as promised in Isaiah 4: 5&6 and in PP 283. God  has called the people in Papua New Guinea by giving a dream to Rebecca, wife of an engineer in Kubugam, PNG showing the tabernacle, the pillar of cloud above, and telling her to listen to “the woman” standing by the altar. Rebecca called everyone and a month later when she found us at her little branch church, she told all to come. Four or five villages of people came and camped like camp meeting about us demanding 3 meetings a day. Jenny had spring break and flew in to do my vision clinics while I did general medicine in between both of our preaching a total of 8 hours a day in 3 sessions. Evening meetings were attended the best by the youth who had school to attend. That is when Jenny had her greatest efforts in her Bible studies before the adult meetings. Forty five were baptized and 27 more were joining the study class. In Vanimo, PNG, the people also wanted 3 meetings a day and 20 were baptized and more preparing.

 Rebecca in yellow shirt, and her husband at the driving wheel also in yellow shirt. She is the one God chose to reveal our comming to and He told her to come and listen. He showed her Jenny playing the harp. There was a pillar of fire that she saw in the dream above our sanctuary in Kubugam, Papua New Guinea. As a result she shared. Her husband is an engineer and they have influence in that area. People demanded 3 meetings a day and camped about us. Those meetings lasted 2 and sometimes 4 hours.
 Our banner set up in the Eastern Highlands in Fima where God told us in a dream to go and help.

 Sometimes it is broadcast on radio and television. There has been 6,316 who have chosen Jesus in baptism. 13,900 BIBLES given. Many of these Bibles had been purchased by Jenny. She generated funds by making and selling cookies.
  All this is made possible by our partners in prayer and donations. Once, when people had given all they could, God multiplied what was in my bag while I was trying to purchase the flight tickets to India.
 When General Conference leader Pastor Ted Wilson came in the spring of 2010 to the jungles of South American country Guyana, He saw the Davis Indians who were grandchildren of the Indians the
Angels taught about Jesus coming, about the 7th day Sabbath, and themes of salvation. When Pastor Ted Wilson held up a baby and prayed to God for healing. That baby had symptoms of meningitis and I had treated it to help it wait for exit on the plane with Pastor Wilson. I had given it a warm water bath with charcoal. God blessed and the baby was healed. The parents were very happy.
  Pastor Ted Wilson told me he wished there were 100 doctors like me. It was a very kind thing to say and I was challenged to share with other doctors to interest them in doing this work as well. I am happy to say that as of last month another doctor is wanting to go with me. I was thrilled to loan the white sanctuary robe to President Ted Wilson and he baptized those who went through the evangelistic series and wanted baptized. I am encouraged when he writes to me.

 The Bible lessons for children series is painted on the blanket backdrop by my sister Jeanie. Each is the lesson front page of the children's set covering all fundamental beliefs and the Christian life style needed for salvation.

 Mega voice Bibles are given as the person comes out of the baptism waters. God has even multiplied m Bibles for me. These are solar charged Bibles in their own language. I gave out in a clinic in Rwanda and when there were more asking for them, I was surprised when I looked in the bag.
 Now for two years, hundreds of Megavoice Bibles are being taken out in the local languages in Africa, Philippines, & PNG . People are using these with microphones and megaphones to broadcast all over their region. When all the “talking Bibles” were given out, God multiplied more in the bag. People kept asking for some after they were gone, and there kept being more in the back pack. We hate riding motor cycles but it was the only way to get into the mountainous villages in N. Rwanda. It was my Birthday present to Jesus scheduled to be done on my birthday as my gratitude to HIM, for my life.

  This year 2011, God has sent us to Papua New Guinea March, April, May, June, July  August and September. Now as we hear of  tribal wars in the highlands and earthquakes plus the planned Sunday Law efforts in Europe and see that Papua New Guinea is soon to follow, we can understand a bit of the urgency. God, sees the overall picture. I am so thankful to be allowed a little part of the vineyard to work.
  The average year of assignments involve 11 seminars a year. That amount will be greater in the year 2011.
  We believe Jesus is soon to close the door of mercy.
  We need to be sure our names are in the book of life and that the blood of Jesus is covering our sins.