2011 Highlights

Leaning, Leaning, Leaning on the everlasting arms! What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms.
Mt. 28:19-20 is God's command to go into all the world with the gospel. He promises to never leave us.
"Circumstances  may separate us from every earthly friend, but no distance can separate from the heavenly comforter. "DA  669.4
"The more we contemplate the cross of Christ, the more fully shall we adopt the language of the apostle when he said, 'God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our LORD Jesus Christ.' Gal 6:14, DA 661.3
"At all times, in all places in all sorrows and in all afflictions, when the future seems dark and the future perplexing, and we feel helpless and alone, the Comforter will be sent in answer to the prayer of faith."


Jenny was with me in the Philippines as the Year 2011 started out with gyrations in the streets of Santa Cruz, Marinduque Island, as we were warning people to prepare for the end of the world. Meetings were very difficult there. The struggle was so difficult as the ants were crawling on our bed and biting us while we tried to sleep! One particular young man took things very seriously and received Jesus into his life and was baptized. Others did too but he seemed the most intense in the desire to follow the light we shared. When I returned home, I saw an angel in a dream showing me that I needed to collect inspired books by Ellen White, and take them to him in a suitcase. As I gathered the books, I was thrilled by all the people willing to give me books to take. I soon had a whole bag full and delivered them. He has been reading and now wants to train as a pastor.

2. DREAM SHOWED HOW TO MAKE DVD 46. God urged the preparation of all my DVDS but there was special dream showing how to do the difficult one. I was instructed in a dream how to design DVD # 46 in such a way that people would accept the message on abominations. I was shown the cute little goat twins that I recorded in Marinduque were crying out their calls in the church for the purpose of this DVD. It was to show Bible students the reason for the Sanctuary symbol of the goats on the Day of Atonement. The scape goat and then the end of the commandment breakers was to be followed by the discussion of the abominations which will keep God's people out of the Holy City. I trembled as I awoke. I immediately obeyed and put the DVD together. The rest of the year, It was requested by different ones such as the government leaders listening in Vanimo, PNG. It was also requested to be repeated in Africa by the pastor. Several called and mentioned how they listened to it over and over.

2. Rebecca sees sanctuary 1 month before. GOD TOLD THE VILLAGERS I WAS COMING to Kubugam , PNG before He told me (Feb. 2011)

In Papua New Guinea, God told Rebecca I was coming with the sanctuary and she was instructed that she must "go down and listen to the woman who stands by the altar of incense." She knew the location before I did. She told others what she saw. The people responded well. When we found the Madang church too busy, we asked for some small outside village to work in. The pastor had joy and took us and introduced us and took many pictures. The people came after I fell asleep on the floor. I awoke seeing kind faces poking mattresses under us. They camped about us demanding three meetings a day. God had called them.

3. Madang PNG  181 want baptism but WAR prevented at first

The Pastor asked me to return so I promised to just go home and gather more items for clinic and programs and return for the Madang Town church. One Hundred eighty one promised their lives to Jesus when the resistance started and prevented their baptisms. Meetings were appreciated and 30+ covered me with their gifts. Parents were thrilled at the return of their youth and hands were busy preparing wreaths to put around their necks at the baptism which was postponed. I never saw such a thing! Leaders were frightened at the strong pleas for baptism. Later there were some baptized. God used the street boys to help me in His next mission.

4. Dreamed of HIGHLANDS PNG Mountain with a wisp of smoke. (July 2011)

God urged me to go to PNG to unidentified place. I was shown a mountain with a wisp of smoke 2/3rds up to the tree covered mountain. I sent one of the street boys who was baptized in the last meetings. He traveled about 5 hrs by bus over rough roads to the Highlands and started looking. He prayed for God to help. He found a man in the street who asked him if he wanted lodging. Then that man directed to a mountain where people pray. On that mountain was his brother he had not seen. He was working on a cell phone tower. That brother led to more of the family he had never seen. He shared how much he had been blessed by the sanctuary and they invited us to camp with them and hold the same meetings for them. The president of the Adventists in that region came and saw the beautiful sanctuary and encouraged us. He took copies of my letters and documents. I kept him updated by cell phone where we were and progress. Others under him wanted us gone but we were there by God's call. We were not shown the name of the mountain or name of any people to see. As we closed that series another request was there and God led us to do that one too. It was another event taking much faith. We did our best and then when finished we headed to town. Hotels were over 100 a night so we contacted who we thought was the same head elder we were working with but he was away and someone else had his phone. These kind men paid the hotel bill, and then provided lodging. All the while there were threatening on anyone who might give us lodging. They could have church doors closed and no weddings or any funeral would be done. No baptisms would be performed. They would be "excommunicated". I had never heard of any one doing that in our faith. I expected God would care for me as He had commanded me to do that work on that mountain and provided money the second I swiped the card in the Philippines to get the ticket.

The wisp of smoke must have been a symbol of the prayers ascending to God begging for truth. The Adventist leader of the church was praying on his face with a group in the little nearby Adventist church for an evangelist. He received us with joy but was terrified at threats from leaders above him. We did our program on non Adventist property belonging to the family of the boy I had sent to find that mountain.

5. Red Ribbon over Mt. Diamond (August-September 2011) 128 students baptized ++++

We left our sanctuary at Mt. Diamond and went home for more supplies to do the secondary school program. It started out with similar threats but a promise as the story of Rahab had just been studied and directly applied to our situation. Even if we were chased, we would be sheltered. Salvation came to their home and campus in response to their faith. Morning meetings were held to reach the day students. Evening meetings were attended by the boarding students. Those who attended both sessions found the greatest blessings. They went home sharing the DVDS of what God had done for me. There are 52 DVDS now and soon more will happen when my schedule slows down enough. In clinic we treated hundreds. One with a very high blood pressure decided to follow life style changes. Daily he came for checking. He attended meetings and was baptized along with his son and other community members. There were a large number of those making decisions. God was working and Satan was mounting his opposition. 128 students were baptized as we closed the meetings and held mission training sessions. The baptism was attended by hundreds from off campus. Many flew in for the event. It was a high moment for the campus which had had tragedies of violence including murder of students and the school shut down a couple months prior to our medical evangelism series. The public services increased the public relations of the school as a side blessing for the efforts. Many faculty recommitted their lives to God. Family members of students also came for baptism.
7. Man dreams and grandma dreams- second mountain with wisp of smoke. He was longing for God's messages and wanted to follow the Lamb. Lufa.
He knew before the resistance happened it was coming. He saw it in a dream. It really frightened him because he was told he would never get baptized and never allowed inside the church and the church would close down. He was beaten back by Satan yet decided for Jesus. Grandma got the Bible she dreamed she would get.

8. God provided when our flight to PNG was aborted in Manilla due to lack of funds to transport God's things into the site for efforts.

9. God stood above in a pillar of cloud in Limones, and Madang, and Kubugam, and in bright cloud during sermons in Mt. Diamond secondary school (Isaiah 4: 5 & 6)

10. Pacific Adventist University in PNG requested the weekend series giving 10 two hour programs on the sanctuary plus clinics. They prayed and worked on paying for tickets to be changed. God found us seats. It was believed that if we could get home, we could find donor support for Jenny since Ron had had brain surgery, we were struggling for the four in college. Then, since Jenny was resisting, they prayed for her school fees. They gave, some was also given from Australia, Philippines, and USA.

11. School Fees Miracle for Jenny (September 2011)

Five minutes before the deadline for entrance into school, the 9,000 dollars was raised for her entrance fees. It was a positive evidence for Jenny that God was leading and providing as she studied towards a medical degree.

12. God overruled in gossip in Limones Mexico
All arrangements for the second evangelism program was blocked and the program was cut off as planned for Limones due to gossip. I heard it, knew it was going and it was denied. It was their belief that I had no knowledge of Spanish. It was loudly spoken in shocking words. I prayed and prayed and spent 5 hours a day seeking God's help. He delivered me. He did great big miracles. It was His plan that I was in Limones. He had led. He was speaking through me daily. There was one special family pleading for Bible lessons who were rejected. Many were having me pray for lost family members.
  When the second site was being arranged, all efforts were blocked. The Lord kept it a secret until 3pm. Then He put an amazing triple bow in the sky. We found transport to a little Mayan village where our friend who loved the messages of the sanctuary lived. He immediately responded and cleared the way and spoke to several and all were present to hear. Then he sent away one who was blocking and had me speak for God. God was the One directing it all. His warning must be heard no matter who is blocking. He has a powerful way. Those who fight discover they are fighting against God. It was clearly God's plan and soon we were holding clinics and 14 wanted baptism. There was no pastor around but elders said they would follow up. There are more cries & invitations for these messages God wants heard.

gossip is one of Satan's special agencies to sow discord and strife, to separate friends, and to undermine the faith of many in the truthfulness of our positions.  {AH 441.1} 
     Sowing Seeds of Distrust Is an Aid to the Enemy.-- It is natural for human beings to speak sharp words. Those who yield to this inclination open the door for Satan to enter their hearts and to make them quick to remember the mistakes and errors of others. Their failings are dwelt upon, their deficiencies noted, and words are spoken that cause a lack of confidence in one who is doing his best to fulfill his duty as a laborer together with God. Often the seeds of distrust are sown because one thinks that he ought to have been favored but was not.  {AH 441.2} 
IT IS AN ABOMINATION THAT WILL KEEP ONE OUTSIDE OF HEAVEN (Rev. 21:8) Abominations outside the city. 1 Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive and to cleanse

       ABOMINATION :  Opposite of Peacemakers: Prov. 6:19 and he that soweth discord among brethren

        Justifying sin & sinners and condemning law keepers: Prov 17:15             He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both [are] abomination to the LORD.
.            Psalms 1:2           But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.  3. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.  4         The ungodly [are] not so: but [are] like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 
“Let us resolve never to engage in evil speaking and backbiting. ..Many, many times I have wished that there might be circulated a pledge containing a solemn promise to speak only those words that are pleasing to God. There is a great need for such a pledge as there is for one against the use of intoxicating liquor. Let us begin to discipline the tongue, remembering always that we can do this only by disciplining the mind, for ‘out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Matt. 12:34

13 Assistance in travel:

Betty Seagraves, age 88, and Steve and Karen Tarry did some pickup and delivery, plus my neighbor once. Tamila Mark was a great help in preparations many times.

It was a special blessing that for the last flights of the year, I was upgraded on every one of 11 flights into business class except the last portion into Africa. ( This provided a place for luggage plus reclining comforts plus liquids and food). In 20 years of travel this has never happened to me so many in a row. I had also the benefit of three free bags up to 70 pounds.