Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Drunk woman Disturbance

"Don't stop me from seeing God!" she shouted from her place near the front row. After a few sentences it was obvious she was drunk. Banana beer consumption is very common in Rwanda. I stopped my sermon, knelt again and prayed for the ability to keep my focus on what God wanted me to say for Him.
  The three meetings a day had been well attended and we were nearing the end of 2 1/2 weeks when this disturbance happened. A young man went over to sit beside the woman and keep her quiet. I prayed that she would fall asleep. Soon there was quiet. I thought maybe she had gone outside. I looked to where I  had seen her last and she was asleep.
  I remembered the drunks in meetings in Mexico. I recalled the drunk man who was paid to translate for me in Russia. Then I thought of the drunk who lunged at me in Russia while I was speaking. Some elders had restrained him before he got to me. I remembered the drunk soldiers who were trying to guard me in Muzo. There was a drunk soldier each night guarding at Nyanza university. Once in Burundi, a drunken soldier raised his rifle at me in the truck and stopped us from the front of the vehicle. We backed away and found lodging for the night.
  Jesus recognized the soul cry of the demon possessed man brought to Him even though the man was shouting words for Satan.
  I remember that Jesus has a special love for all sinners. I want that holy love. I like how it is described here:"This heaven-born love is not selfish and changeable. It is not a love dependent on human praise. The heart of him who drinks the blood of the Son of God overflows with a holy love for God and for those for whom Christ died. He does not love His fellow-creatures because they love and please Him, because they appreciate His merits and rightly estimate His value, but because they are Christ's purchased possession. {ST, October 11, 1899 par. 6}
God designs that everything possible shall be done to enable us to stand heart to heart, mind to mind, shoulder to shoulder.
  At the end of the meeting, as I was shaking hands of people as they left, there she was demanding some attention for clinic needs. She struck me with her hand and shouted because I did not know her language.
I backed up and she came after me. Two young men stopped her and persuaded her to go sign up for clinic.
I pray for those who are damaging their brain cells and decreasing their abilities by intemperance.
So many in Rwanda are damaging their eyes by drinking Banana beer.

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