Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Update from Pola, Mindoro Philippines and God's next projects

RE: Jungle village of Pola in Mindoro, Philippines, Thanksgiving Walla Walla University break time.
Donations can be done as details show in How to Help section to the right in this blog. Paypal takes a fee but Missions Unlimited is doing the service free. PRAISE GOD! FUNDING is on its way. The held tickets were dropped as funds are not in place yet. The effort is rescheduled for Dec. 29 starting up time in Africa rift valley. Thanking God for the answered prayer Rthat we can do this work for Him in the Rift valley. I am pleased to discover Elisha Langat will also be there in that time frame visiting home from his place in USA.
If Jenny goes for the start up time up to classes of Spring quarter, we need another 2,000 for hers. She would hold evangelestic meetings for the youth and doe eye examinations, intraoccular pressures and give out eye glasses. This is a great help to my clinics and meetings. We are deciding for her based on funding.
From here to there, we (Jenny and I) did a lot of walking, flying, ferry time, motor bike, canoe, tricycle, and van travels. The big sanctuary set was moved by friends in the Calima church where it was stored by a member since June. It went by road while Jenny and I went on a shortcut down a path, over a river and road because the sanctuary took up all the space in the vehicle.
We were happy with the response and appreciation of the little church group which grew while we were there. The sanctuary has a way of planting the seeds in a stronger way because of all the graphics and the model.
FOLLOW THE LAMB SEMINAR is finished now in Pola, Mindoro, Philippines. So many precious memories are in our hearts. The sweet smiles of the helpers in clinic, and their joy at finding remedies to help others with, was satisfying. The Mission training seminar on the weekend was well attended. Jenny told many of her success stories of things that are quite simple and easy for anyone to do.
  Jenny and I Just finished a Philippines medical evangelism effort in the Philippines in a little fisherman village in Mindoro called Pola. It was a fun way to spend Thanksgiving doing medical exams and 3 meetings a day with 5 on Sabbath. We had 9 baptized and many made commitments. Heavy rain brought a relaxing clean sound and plenty of water. I like the reminder of the symbol of the Holy Spirit being poured out for these last days. God is doing that. I see Him moving in a big way.
  Jenny was surrounded with children. It was God's blessing to me for on November 1, 21 years ago Ron and I lost a son. It is therapy to me to share the gospel with and be around many children on that anniversary. In heaven we hope for many children to join us at our reunion in our home there.
 I need to get some light on the sanctuary into Kenya in the Rift Valley. I have a ticket on hold and am waiting for God to provide.
  I was very encouraged to hear that the village near by of Calima in the Philippines still has a full house of worship because of the work we did there 6 months ago. The Megavoice Bibles are a very strong thing in fortifying people for the final days. There is so much trouble with computer games occupying the children's time that those Bible are a real blessing.
  I saw in the Seattle airport a station where one can speed recharge batteries of phone, ipod and ipad. The fee is 3 dollars. I thought about my own body recharging. God is faithful to me at almost 60 years. It is really a miracle how He speed charges my battery. I love to study about the life of Jesus while traveling in the airplane. The Kindle helps me do that. I really desire to love people like Jesus and spend each day as though it were my last day and last chance to win souls for the kingdom of heaven.
   Arnold generously used his tallents for Jesus for creating another sanctuary. (furniture portions) I am needing another set but am waiting for God to provide for that one. I can move easier on these flights with limited luggage constraints. The other nice beautiful wooden set seen on this blog site is over 500 pounds and very difficult financially for moving it.
This newer set is of tent poles and plastic picture tarps. I praise God for this which will immediately be traveling to preach the WORDS truth for these last days.
 As we come to the end of the year, we know we are another year closer to the coming of Jesus.
I am hoping you will remember to pray for the need to get some light on the sanctuary into Kenya in the Rift Valley. I have a ticket on hold and am waiting for God to provide. All is packed and ready to go. The ticket is on "hold" awaiting funds. It is in the hands of God. He has heard me pray about this for several months. I am hoping to get some Final Events DVD to take. The location is near Baraton University where we have a friend Danny Harlimana.
Thanks for your prayers.
Jenny is back in the University of Walla Walla. She is in the last weeks of the quarter studying hard. She wishes she could go with me. Thanks for helping and praying for the 3 Angels messages to be heard around the world so Jesus can come sooner.
Dr. Rose
Like pictures? Let me know . Please pray daily at 6AM for us. We are praying for more of God's Holy Spirit and to be more like Jesus daily. That way we will have a deeper love and greater wisdom to reach the precious people He has created before the door of mercy is closed.
Pray for the December program in Mexico. Things are coming together.

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