Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Africa Stories

RWANDA, Kigali meetings are finished.
The Follow the Lamb Seminar sanctuary meetings in the University for Adventist Laymen finished with a nice baptism in the trailer which was placed next to the school. Ten precious souls were baptized. Among them was a little 10 year old boy who was so determined to be baptized that he instructed his mother she better not stop him for he had to be ready to go to heaven.
He was so happy at the baptism. He was helping to get the water into the tank.

Another university student was troubled with family resistance and a threat of loss of school fees but she was set free to take baptism as she wanted just the morning of the baptism. She had quite a story to tell.

Just before going to the 2nd African country, Uganda, I saw a rainbow in the clouds that was shaped like a fish. When I took pictures, I noted many fish in the sky shaped in lighter colors during the sunset.
Well, it was such a pleasure on Sunday to see 21 precious souls baptized on Bugemma University campus by the church pastor we had seen in 2006. He was very happy to do the baptism.
Among those baptized were 8 out of families who are not believing in Jesus. They want special prayers for helping their families to understand.
  I wanted to have God help me pick 2 out of the 21 who should get the Luganda audio Bibles prepared by Gospel Outreach volunteer, friend, Gary. I asked for them to express a special thanks. So few remember to really express their gratitude for they are all cold and wet and rushing for changing their clothing. One young man came who had cars all over his shirt. Another man came to say thanks who had been very sick and God healed him. He had been sent home by the nurse yet refused to go because he wanted baptism. After special prayer for him, I heard him tell me how God lifted his sickness off from him. He also drank the charcoal I gave him. He was about 5'10 inches tall and I think he was a senior. He was very attentive to meetings.
  Last night as I left Uganda, I entered and Dr. Kisunzu's wife was checked for intraoccular pressures. Dr. Kisunzu told the security guard to also get his checked. Then others came and still more till I had checked airlines personel as well. It was fun. They really helped with my bags, and escorted me always looking out for me.
  Both locations, (countries) received DVD of stories of what God has done as well as Sanctuary lessons done in another place. Though it is in English, most of these people are catching 90 percent of what is being said.
 I praise God for Steven traveled with the sanctuary by bus on road to prevent my cost of 3 dollars a kilo for 3 65 pound bags. He was a great help. I was also happy to have Homer come for a day to help. Wish he had come at the beginning for when he was baptized in Bukavu, there was tribal wars that broke out between pastors and members and I only got to do 5 days of meetings. He has remained faithful to keep Sabbath even when persecuted for it in his schools. So many schools are forcing Sabbath studying and schooling.
It is not a good thing to give to a tiny child's hand, I was thinking as I put a Final Events DVD in the hand of a tiny boy. What if he plays with it, gets it wet, or scratches it? I remember how tormented I was that day as I saw there were more wanting the DVDS than I had. I felt the big ones should get it first.
One little boy received a Final events DVD for his drawing when he was 3 years old in 2006 in Lukanga University at meetings held by Jenny, Kyle, Ian and Dr. Rose. Another child was 5 years old. NOW 6 years later, I just met the father who tells me that the DVD has been carefully preserved and shared. Mother does translations and tells others of the texts pointing to the final events of this earth.  Every Friday when there was electricity, they spend time watching it again. Often the home is full of visitors to also see it. From this DVD placed in the hands of a child--so many have been helped for the last 6 years.
IN FAITH, I HAVE MADE DVDS of experiences of what God has done for me. There are 52 of them. It is exciting to see people who treasure God's power. "Spiritual things are spiritually discerned". God has used these to bring in more of the family to also choose the truth. It is a great thing to watch. God tells us that if you win one soul, that one brings at least 5 more. God works on multiplication.
The father of this family was in Dr. Kisunzu's home waiting for his surgery on a growth under his chin. It was my chance to hear some feed back on past work done for Jesus. When we thought we had done so little, our little in the hands of Jesus was multiplid like He did with the bread to feed 5,000.
IN FAITH, any funds I can use out of the home budget is for purchasing blank DVDS. When I get the chance, I do 3,000 copies of my Sanctuary program and put them in envelopes. These copies take up my time but God helps me.

Lukanga University in Democratic Republic of Congo was given Follow the Lamb Seminar and the dean of the school of Theology Dr. Kavis translated for me. (January 2006) He also translated in clinics. He was very happy with the program and saw the results. It was broadcasted on the radio. Many came after hearing of free services on their radios. When they arrived, they missed their chance for the doctor was already gone.
One woman was a relative of Dr. Kisunzu where we stayed while doing evangelism in RISTAKA High School. This relative had a cripling condition in one leg. It took her a long time to move to Lukanga for help. She was extreemly disappointed. She asked around what I might have taught some one else with a similar condition. She heard of the use of charcoal and hoped it would help in her condition as well. She worked hard to apply it daily to her leg. She was so excited to find full use again of her leg. She is really happy and says she was helped by me because of what I did to help another.
Here is another example of God multiplying the effort we did for Him.

3. STORY: Genocide memories of 1994
A person told of his going through the genocide and the shock of the surprise that friends would fail to assist when they could. One told of being in a hospital and offered a bed if he would lie and tell of a made up sickness. He refused to lie. He walked around all night watching and noticed a certain tribe of people were absent and he began to fear all in the hospital would be killed. Later it was his concern to rescue one woman who had a little baby and others from his country in DRC. He realized they were soon to die and he pulled them out the window. Others inside where pulling on the legs to keep them inside. The woman's husband had already escaped. After getting about 5 out, he put them in safety and was commanded to go and watch. He refused to help because he was against killing. He told of the horrors he saw with his own eyes.

4. STORY- another person telling genocide memories of 1994
Another person told how her father was an evangelist and fled to be safe at headquarters for the church. A person betrayed them and called the soldiers and all pastors were murdered. She went from home to home without anyway to feed and protect her daughters but each home locked the door in her face. These were people who were "friends" and "Christians".  The horrors of the genocide survivors continue in their hearts when they see someone get up and preach who never asked forgiveness. There was one woman who walked so many miles to a relative's home because the soldiers demanded about 20 dollars for a ransome. The "Christian" relative had the money but refused to help so she was murdered in front of them by the soldiers. The relative was watching as her corpse was tossed into a ditch near them.
God says the end of time will be worse than the world has ever seen. The world has seen horrible things. When the Spirit of the Lord is withdrawn from those who do not want the Bible to be applied in their hearts, such crimes as the world has never seen will continue.

5. STORY - - 96 and 97 year old tells her stories of the genocide. She and husband were stripped naked and ran to hide in a cave with no food or water for several days. God sent help and even gave the son a dream of what happened. He went to find his parents. There was a place she prayed daily. It was outside and she kept it swept clean and visited that place often. God has seen the atrocities done by family members to each other. God knows it is time to get His people.

We can do our part in hastening His coming to end all sickness, war, betraying, death, and torturing.
We can share what God has done for us. It is heaven's most powerful witness. It is a powerful tool. We should praise God daily and help push back the tide of evil sweeping over the world in these last days. Reach out to help and rescue the perishing, care for the dying. Jesus can save now while the door of mercy is still open. Revelation 16 is coming soon as the door closes on this world's probation.

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