Monday, November 21, 2011

Medical Evangelism In Pola, Mindoro

During the short Thanksgiving break from Walla Walla University studies, Dr. Rose and daughter Jenny are headed to do daily medical evangelism. There will be hours daily where people can have medical checkups and eye exams. If the need is there, people will obtain a pair of free glasses. These are available because of generous donors.

Those who are attending meetings and answering quiz questions, will have a chance to receive DVDS that have testimonies of answers to prayer in the lives of Dr. Rose and Jenny. These are eye witness stories of God's power. In the time that Jesus lived on this earth, each miracle was designed to make important lessons. The man who had been healed of so many years of being crippled was healed on the Sabbath and told to carry his bed to publish the act. Lazarus was raised from the dead after 4 days to make it clear that only God's power could do this and he was really dead. Many did not believe in the resurection. It was a very powerful lesson. Jesus multiplied the bread in a little boys lunch to show it is His power that provides for us continually. Just in case we might have missed the lesson, it was chosen to feed a crowd that was beyond all human possibilities. Today, as God is doing miracles in my life, I search for lessons in each one. It does not take much searching in most cases. If you have had a chance for one of those 52 story DVDS, it will be a faith builder for your life. If you want one and have never seen one, let me know and between mission trips, I will try to get one to you. (If you are in USA) In other countries, you will need to come to meeting where Dr. is speaking.

If the funds are enough during this Philippines medical evangelism event, there is a plan for each who decide to commit their life to Jesus and follow His example in baptism, those will be ones who can have a Bible. If there are any available, the Tagalog Megavoice Bible will be given.

Flight begins early this morning. After reaching Manilla in the night, our host friends will help us to the Batangas pier where we will take a long ferry. Then we will be met by Pastor and travel to the village. Immediately we begin clinics and the evening meetings. We plan to do morning and evening meetings plus clinics till no one is left wanting to be seen.

After Sunday noon, we will begin the car, then ferry, then overnight and fly early back to Jenny's classes at WWU. She will miss only the morning classes yet she will arrive while it is still morning and hurry to her harp lesson and afternoon lab.

We are praying daily and every hour for God's Holy Spirit to empower this program God has already blessed. He showed His favor in providing already for tickets as I returned from Africa. Tickets were purchased just 2 days before departure.

Thanks for praying daily for God's Follow the Lamb Seminars. Remember that there were only 3 wise men and a few shepherds plus Anna and Simeon in the temple who were given the blessed news of the arrival of the heavenly Dignitary Jesus Who came as a baby just as the prophesies said. Today, God is faithful to warn all of His soon approach again.

We pray that we will help hasten that soon coming by sharing the good news to all who will listen. Thanks for supporting with your prayers and donations.  Also you can help by encouraging signing up to this blog.
If you are giving for Bibles please make sure you send an email to specify this.

Dr. Rose & Jenny

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