Friday, November 18, 2011

Homeward out of Africa

Nov. 16/17, 2011
 Greetings from Kenya, Africa as I wait for my late night flight to Netherlands and on to connect with Jenny who will help me with a short event in the Philippines.

So many are now hoping for the soon coming of Jesus because of these efforts of meetings in Kigali, Rwanda, and Bugema Uganda. Our God is faithful to warn those sincerely hungering after truth. Just before Jesus was born on this earth, wise men were studying and were shown the star to find Him. The shepherds were told because they wanted to see Him come. Now as we are in the last days, Jesus is sending me to places where He can call His sheep. So many do not care that we are in the final days. They are busy with movies/shows, concerts, studies, and too busy to get the sin out of the life and keep His commandments. I see so many signs in the troubled hearts, the tribe wars, the anger among professed Christians, and in volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters. Jesus is coming soon.

PRAY FOR GOD TO PROVIDE FOR NEXT EVENT OF MEDICAL EVANGELIM IN PHILIPPINES He has asked for us to do. We need this help in the next 48 hours. Praise God the prayer was answered in 24 hrs before flight.

I Just moved out of an area of Africa (Uganda and Rwanda countries) near a huge volcanic eruption that is ongoing right now in Democratic REpublic of Congo  across the border of Uganda and Rwanda. The news shows the lava shooting up over a thousand feet into the sky. The fire seen on the news is amazing. They claim it is making records for its force in this eruption. I just found this news on Yahoo. Thankfully it did not hinder my flight home. God does direct my going and coming. "Angels attend the steps of those who go and come at God's command" DA 48  . I always ask God when to go and when to return. God has His own time schedule and has the right to send his soldier (me) anywhere He wants at any hour that He wants. I have told Him to manage all my time and my schedule. This volcano is making a record right now in DRC. 

Arrival back in USA
There was a very kind couple Karin and Steve Terry who picked me up at the airport and gave me a warm welcome at their home near the airport. The lentil soup and olive bread was just what I needed at the end of the long, tiring trip. God is good all the time. I see Him giving me a great team of support to help me optimize all energy possible to win souls. Karin even offered to help with housework. That is a great blessing and greatly appreciated. There are so many DVD making demands on me to record all the holy memories of what God has done. Every miracle is His designed package of instructions for future steps in HIs work. These are also faith builders in those who come to the meetings. They receive quiz prizes of DVDS of past stories. I have seen God raise the dead, cast out demons, heal the sick people, laptops, projectors, cars, and stand above me in a pillar of fire when life threatening events happen. I have seen Him call audiences by telling certain ones I am coming. I have had Him give me directions to move quickly into a country where I do not know where I am going and just show me a mountain. Then He helps me find the mountain. God is leading. Jesus is coming soon. All that we can do to help win souls can hasten His coming.
Next trip is Nov 20 to Palo. Remember to pray daily for the honest to find the truth and the sick to be helped by Dr. Rose and assistant and future doctor Jenny.
Dr. Rose

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