Friday, December 30, 2011

Mayan Indian Village Update

Mayan Indian Village in Southern Mexico
  Dec. 8, I met Kody Kostenko and we set up the sanctuary together during a very important time of his life. (Wedding) As we neared the end of the program, the rest of the family and friends arrived and yet we nearly finished the condensed form of the Sanctuary program. God had led us to do this program plus told us there would be a second series to do before leaving for Africa.
  God led several to seek a closer walk with Him in Mexico.
  Jenny and Kyle arrived having left the minute the last final exam ended at WWU. Kyle expected to find more ocean opportunities yet the things we found on the internet regarding Limones were not true.
  We helped with many details of wedding prep and took pictures which we will upload next under different title.
  By Dec 20 and 21, God was helping us find His second site for work. We did it near Limones and discovered many who speak Mayan. We were thrilled as we listened to them singing in their native tongue. They even have Bibles in Mayan. Of course it is best if we speak that but our translator knew Spanish so we worked in that language.
There were a total of 14 who were interested in baptism as we closed our small 6 day series. They gave us so many gratitude gifts. A nice meal of tamalies was prepared. Special frozen fruit desert without milk was made and a beautiful guitar was given to Kyle. WOW! It is a nice sounding one. He is thrilled and played Amazing Grace for me. I loved it! Reminds me of when Ron played for me years ago.
Kyle helped set up and take down equipment and made sure the quiz prizes got into the hands of the children and adults who answered the questions. It was such a precious thing to have my son along. It has been 31/2 years. It was with a grateful heart that there were friends who fixed things up so nicely and gave us more food than we could eat. They transported us to meetings daily. They insisted on watching our little dwelling to make sure nothing happened to us or God's tools.
  One person who came to clinic said God took away all her pain when I prayed. She was healed.
  Others were so delighted for the glasses they received that they brought fruits from their gardens.
  There was a special blessing on the last 10 flights which helped me make it through the travels. I was bumped up to the part of the plane where the seats are wider, and can recline. I am so thankful to God for this comfort. There is also more liquids and foods offered.
  God takes such good care of me. I praise His name.
  Two men came on motor bikes to get glasses in clinics. They came back for meetings and gave their hearts to Jesus and requested baptism plus the meetings in their own village. They received tracts and books and DVD with great rejoicing in the truth. Who knows how far the seeds of God will travel when we sow beside all waters as Jesus requested.
  There was more prayer and Bible preparation done this evangelistic series. God told us that success is proportionate to that. There were more miracles that God did to help in all the efforts. Some day we can tell them all.
  There was a rainbow and pillar of cloud while I was praying with some women regarding God's second site for us to work. We kept looking for the place. We thought we had it all lined up and the moment that door closed, God placed the most amazing rainbow in the sky that doubled and trippled. I knew He was working on the answer. We kept praying.
  We had only seconds from the time of one possibility being checked out to the time we delivered the first message of the series. Word of mouth carried the advertising quickly for us when they learned there were free glasses in clinic. We had 35 people the first day. We enjoyed the love of these people. We ate in their homes and prayed with and for their loved ones. We had more food than we could eat.
  When Jenny translated for me it was a strange feeling. I had taught her Spanish! Now she was quicker in it. I had lost my fluency and later began thinking and dreaming in it again. The people were surprised when I began visiting with them. Someone had told them I knew nothing of Spanish!!! Funny! That makes people feel they can speak freely about you.
   They loved us in that second location and we loved them.
  Ten people came to place us in a sweet little home across from Lulu and Daniel. They all had one purpose. (Our comfort) It was so sweet. Then at the end they all wanted to help us to the airport. God blessed our efforts.
  You can read more of the story on facebook.
 We pray that God will help those wanting baptism be able to receive it soon. Names were left with responsible people who promised to make sure there was good follow up. It was vacation time for those who are responsible for baptisms.
Remember to pray for the African program in the Rift Valley now. Meetings are starting soon. I am writing from Amsterdam on my way there. I am thrilled that Elisha will help me arrive there. He will meet me at the Nairobi airport and drive me plus God's sanctuary to Nakuru. You will hear about it in 2 weeks if not sooner when I find internet in Nairobi on the way to fulfil the request in Rwanda.
Your fellow colaborer in the Master's Vineyard,
Dr. Rose

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