Saturday, October 15, 2011


"THE RED RIBBON had special meaning for us" Bob  greeted us with these words as I awakened and came from the Wagi's guest room. We are sheltering you from danger and all harm.
  A chill of terror went through me. What more is coming on us? Satan was on the war path. We already knew he was. The whole month of August was trouble for God's work .   I had struggled for 7 days to reach the Mt. Diamond assignment. We were thrown off the airplane in Manila for too much luggage and demands of 3,000 USD for getting back on was one big headache. It did not end there, for there was also the issue of no return ticket purchased to Manila from Moresby. We had friends who came to our rescue after we had been plenty trouble. Now what was Bob inferring? He said their home would be sheltering and hiding the two women like Rahab hid God's 2 brave men. I wondered where we would go if he changed his mind. I wondered who all was in the opposition party and which ones were pliable and which ones were betraying.
  We prayed and God impressed us all we could do was make sure we were over at the medical clinic as much as possible even up to midnight.
  The Bible tells of two spies who found refuge in the home of a woman  of low moral standards. She had many male partners.  She told these spies of Israel she must hide them on her roof under flax. She said that all in her city knew about the powerful God of the Israelites.  She promised to help them escape for they had been noticed. She hid them under flax. The spies barely escaped death as she sent the soldiers chasing one direction and then let the spies over the wall with a red cord. They were to hide three days and then go home. For her bravery, she would be saved when they destroyed the city of Jericho.
  Joshua 2:18       Behold, [when] we come into the land, thou shalt bind this line of scarlet thread in the window which thou didst let us down by: and thou shalt bring thy father, and thy mother, and thy brethren, and all thy father's household, home unto thee.
  In the morning of the second day in PNG, as I came out of the bed room, Mr. Bob Wagi had finished his devotion reading and prayers. He smiled and said he had a very special new meaning to the story of the red ribbon. His home would have the red ribbon and salvation was come to their family. Then he said in fact it would cover the whole Mt. Diamond school.
  The school board had met and approved our week of prayer and the invitation was given back in May of 2011. Some steps were left unfinished which had nothing to do with us but was an unintentional mistake. We learned there was protocol issues and rumors flying and negative phone threats. Opposition was later fixed and we were accepted very nicely when Pastor Rice met and approved us. Some steps were not done appropriately and it was embarrassing to those who invited us. They were sorry. Pastor Rice was from Australia. Yet, even after the approval some held onto some bias against us and tried to stop students from baptism. We saw a rainbow each night for seven nights and a beautiful lit up cloud over the tabernacle. God helped all 128 students get baptized. There was also a lawyer and some parents of students.
  Students and faculty appreciated the meetings. The red ribbon continues to be on Mt. Diamond.
  The principal promised that anytime we are in the area, they would give us lodging.
  Red ribbon is a sign that though we have sinned He has mercy and pardon. The house of Rahab had salvation because of her action to protect.  Red is a symbol of the blood of Jesus covering our sins. Though she was breaking commandment number 7, on adultery, she wanted salvation and God gathered her among his people and taught this family the way to prepare for living in heaven among those who do not sin.
  Salvation came to her house.
  Salvation came to the Waggi home as well for Elana May (named after my brothers wife) was baptized. The school had a record breaker of conversions. There were 128 students plus these students went to their homes and convinced their parents of the truth. Many brought in their families. A lawyer also was baptized and brought his son and then brought many others to come listen. There were 7 baptizing pastors.
  Many flew in from other parts of Papua New Guinea and from other countries for the big event. There was great rejoicing that they had braved through the opposition and kept us there.
  We had prayed and felt impressed to do as Jesus did. He spent more time healing than preaching. We worked many extra hours beyond our endurance even up to midnight. God helped us when we ran out of energy.
  Jenny even suffered another malaria attack due to the late night hours in open air when mosquitos are so thick. With quick recognition of symptoms and prompt treatment with local medication available, she felt better.
  Then Pacific Adventist University women's ministry wanted us to present at the university for the weekend after our tickets were to take us home. They were willing to pay for ticket departure changes. There were actually a seats available on the date we needed on the plane. Miracle after miracle happened as we set up there while so exhausted. God blessed there giving energy to do medical clinics and speak 10 sessions starting Friday afternoon and going to Sunday morning. We left quickly on the Sunday flight for home.
  PAU also had the red ribbon over them for there was again opposition. The women's ministry director moved in faith, reserving our room to stay in, gave us a car to drive, and set up food. We had a very comfortable place and hot showers to get ready for the long journey home. Again we did free medical clinics as God instructs. He promises that no one will stop your meetings or eclipse the messages if you are doing the work His way. We found 5 in that one weekend who wanted to give their hearts to Jesus. Besides these, there were many who determined to read their Bibles more and daily spend an hour on the life of Jesus.
  So many went to the airport with us. There was so much love. They reached out to help with Jenny's school fees and kept putting their Kina in our hands to help her. By the deadline a day after our return, Jenny had the 9,000 US Dollars in Walla Walla University and a new stronger faith in what God can do. She believes that His promise is true that when you lend to the Lord, He gets it back into your hands. He provides all our needs.

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