Saturday, October 15, 2011


My God can do anything!
God asked me during May to go to Africa in second week of October. He appointed return trip to be Nov. 16.
My husband asked me why I was still asking for more signs from God when it obviously was His will. I said it was because our son Ian is at home. My husband mentioned that Ian is a man of 24 yrs. God knew he would be home when He asked me to go to Africa. So what was I waiting for? I was encouraged to trust God through the words of my husband who is working hard after his brain surgery in July. He was down for some time and funds have caved in for keeping our 4 children in college.  God will help.
 I also hesitated because no action was communicated on the venue details. My husband inspired me to trust God for directions as I move in faith.
  I went online to book my flights. I asked God to awaken me because I failed to book online in the evening. I was exhausted. God woke me at 3AM and with a short phone call all was ready and booked into Kenya only.
There is a friend in Kenya who has bought the tickets expecting funds returned when he picks me up at the airport and gives lodging and transport in Kenya during a 20 hr lay over. This family hosted us several times as we passed through to Rwanda in the past. His parents hosted us in Chepkumia in northern Kenya in the Rift Valley. God has many team members who help this missionary go and come. It gives me a chance to share the great things God is doing all over the world.
  Then I will go on to do the gospel meetings and giving megavoice Bibles to those who are baptized at the end of meetings. That flight usually costs between 387 dollars to 400.  
A miraculous thing happened when in faith I booked my flight with free miles to Kenya and home round trip. A professor in Bugema Uganda asked if there was a chance I could come there for a local church project where there is a need for building, medical and evangelism. I could go there on November 1 round trip it out of Rwanda and back to Rwanda. I could give them a 2 week medical evangelism series. I do not have Swahili Megavoice Bibles or Luganda language yet but it is being overnighted to me from Gospel Outreach. Plans are not confirmed with his boss yet as the school is having graduation time and schedules are hectic.
  I prayed about it and God said, "YES".
I asked if it would be dangerous to go by road from Rwanda, and God said, "NO".  Steven took the sanctary items over that road and the bus broke down twice and they had to wait till another came. Though Satan had roadblocks the work got done.
Furthermore, there was a rainbow colored fish shape in the sky a couple days before going there. It made me think of going fishing for souls. There were some there and a very special group I will never forget. They had tears in their eyes as we left there.
God has shown me over and over, I must trust Him for directions, for protection and for supplies and tickets. He has a million ways to get His work done, of which we know nothing.


What happens to our animal friends, or pets, when we are asked by God to go to another country to share the Bible? Well when you read this story you will realize that the God of the Universe who created and gave us animals to love even remembers to help us when we can't be home to care for them. He even cares for my flower garden. He waters my plants and keeps them from freezing long past the time other things are destroyed by the cold weather. Look at this amazing example of God's love and care.
 A sweet cat, Jenny called Tiger, was so loving. Jenny had him from when he was a kitten in 2004. When we returned from a mission to Mexico in 2005 in September, we left for a short trip to town. Upon return we found big fire trucks spraying the ground where our house used to be. The Red Cross gave us lodging and worked with the Inn to allow cat and dog. But the cat disappeared. We feared he had been eaten by coyotes.  We were amazed how God helped the pets out of the burning home. Even sheep had protection when the fire jumped the pen and avoided the trees in their pen. The fire went on burning 6 acres.
  Tiger was such a special kitten. It was a huge disappointment to the little girl of 14 who had given so much to Jesus on the mission trip, and then her flute was burned and her little kitten plus her special Bible was destroyed. Does God care when we are hurting? Oh, yes. We were housed in several places and 9 months went by before a home was ready on our land enough for the kitty cat.

Little Tiger
  The fire burned the home so fast, we wondered how Tiger ever made it out in time. We were so worried and Jenny was crying so hard the fire fighters feared a person had perished in the fire. She tried for a long time to find Tiger. Heart broken, she shed a few tears at night for the kitten who used to sleep on her bed with her.
  Poor Tiger. It was figured that some wild animal had eaten Tiger.
·         Six years later in September of 2011 we compared stories with the neighbor that watches our dog Patches while we are on missions. She has a cat she calls Larre that asked for lodging right after our house fire. He gets along perfectly with our dog Patches. Larry sure looks like the older version of Tiger. He came right to me and is afraid of most visitors. The story makes us quite sure it is the same cat.

·        The neighbor said Larry cat arrived some years back with a bad respiratory condition. When it sneezed black stuff flew everywhere. He was so sick, she took him to the vet. He must have had inhalation damage from the house fire.
         Another clue makes us think it is the same cat. He had a bad habit of jumping from behind a chair or from under the bed grabbing onto her leg and hanging on like she was a tree. It was not vicious, it just was hanging on. The surprise was irritating. She would yell from surprise and let him know it was not appropriate. This was taught by our sons in play with her. I did not enjoy such surprise but they thought it was fun. She broke him of this game.
  The neighbor Brenda has several dogs and so Larry stays in a bedroom and hides from all people and dogs. Once in a while Larry comes out and runs all over with the smallest dog. One day he was mad at the small dog and Patches and swatted them when they walked by. That was the end of the fight.
Our dog Patches did not like the kennel I was using so he went to the same house where Larry is lodged and asked if he could be living there when I am gone. Now for more than a year, every time the suitcases are brought out to begin packing, Patches wants to run to the neighbor's home in fear he might be taken to the kennels he hates.
 The neighbor is a very kind animal lover who welcomed him and gave me a call. The tags on Patches indicate who he belongs to. She wants to put another tag on him as well so that when we are gone, she will be called and can rescue him. Patches is a cocker spaniel who loves children and loves to go find other dogs to socialize with. He has grown up with the freedom to roam over 60 acres of land belonging to us and vacant lot beside us plus about 1000 acres behind us. He is terrified if he is restrained in an enclosure and digs out of everywhere and even bends metal fences to escape. He loves people and fears being left behind.
 My precious neighbor  refuses pay and does the cooking for ours and other dogs she has. She is a stay at home person who has a husband who had brain surgery so she must be very attentive to his needs. Her husband adores Patches and is teaching him to shake hands.
 The neighbor says she is part of our mission projects by caring for our beloved pets. She feels it is her God given task.
 Patches really loves to play with the cat Larry and she wondered why. When I was picking him up after a mission this spring, I saw the cat and he came right for me. I took Jenny there a couple weeks ago and she is sure he is her cat. He is in an animal heaven. There is so much love for him where he is. God fixed this story to a good ending and settled in Jenny's heart a question she had with the sorrow of loosing all her belongings. God does care. ALOT! He did what was best for the whole family and the cat and the people we stayed with while our home was being fixed up.
 The cat has really been missed but it is more difficult to transport a cat back and forth to one who will care for him. At the time of the fire we had not met our neighbor. She came by and offered housing but we took another offer.
 My loving dog is missed when I am gone. But God cared for this important detail.  To part with a loving pet is one of the many sacrifices for going on mission for God. God will probably give extra loving animals in heaven. A bird, cat, dog, dolphin, or whatever will bring us joy. The greatest joy will be to see Jesus.
 God always provides for all our needs (Phil 4:19) 


"THE RED RIBBON had special meaning for us" Bob  greeted us with these words as I awakened and came from the Wagi's guest room. We are sheltering you from danger and all harm.
  A chill of terror went through me. What more is coming on us? Satan was on the war path. We already knew he was. The whole month of August was trouble for God's work .   I had struggled for 7 days to reach the Mt. Diamond assignment. We were thrown off the airplane in Manila for too much luggage and demands of 3,000 USD for getting back on was one big headache. It did not end there, for there was also the issue of no return ticket purchased to Manila from Moresby. We had friends who came to our rescue after we had been plenty trouble. Now what was Bob inferring? He said their home would be sheltering and hiding the two women like Rahab hid God's 2 brave men. I wondered where we would go if he changed his mind. I wondered who all was in the opposition party and which ones were pliable and which ones were betraying.
  We prayed and God impressed us all we could do was make sure we were over at the medical clinic as much as possible even up to midnight.
  The Bible tells of two spies who found refuge in the home of a woman  of low moral standards. She had many male partners.  She told these spies of Israel she must hide them on her roof under flax. She said that all in her city knew about the powerful God of the Israelites.  She promised to help them escape for they had been noticed. She hid them under flax. The spies barely escaped death as she sent the soldiers chasing one direction and then let the spies over the wall with a red cord. They were to hide three days and then go home. For her bravery, she would be saved when they destroyed the city of Jericho.
  Joshua 2:18       Behold, [when] we come into the land, thou shalt bind this line of scarlet thread in the window which thou didst let us down by: and thou shalt bring thy father, and thy mother, and thy brethren, and all thy father's household, home unto thee.
  In the morning of the second day in PNG, as I came out of the bed room, Mr. Bob Wagi had finished his devotion reading and prayers. He smiled and said he had a very special new meaning to the story of the red ribbon. His home would have the red ribbon and salvation was come to their family. Then he said in fact it would cover the whole Mt. Diamond school.
  The school board had met and approved our week of prayer and the invitation was given back in May of 2011. Some steps were left unfinished which had nothing to do with us but was an unintentional mistake. We learned there was protocol issues and rumors flying and negative phone threats. Opposition was later fixed and we were accepted very nicely when Pastor Rice met and approved us. Some steps were not done appropriately and it was embarrassing to those who invited us. They were sorry. Pastor Rice was from Australia. Yet, even after the approval some held onto some bias against us and tried to stop students from baptism. We saw a rainbow each night for seven nights and a beautiful lit up cloud over the tabernacle. God helped all 128 students get baptized. There was also a lawyer and some parents of students.
  Students and faculty appreciated the meetings. The red ribbon continues to be on Mt. Diamond.
  The principal promised that anytime we are in the area, they would give us lodging.
  Red ribbon is a sign that though we have sinned He has mercy and pardon. The house of Rahab had salvation because of her action to protect.  Red is a symbol of the blood of Jesus covering our sins. Though she was breaking commandment number 7, on adultery, she wanted salvation and God gathered her among his people and taught this family the way to prepare for living in heaven among those who do not sin.
  Salvation came to her house.
  Salvation came to the Waggi home as well for Elana May (named after my brothers wife) was baptized. The school had a record breaker of conversions. There were 128 students plus these students went to their homes and convinced their parents of the truth. Many brought in their families. A lawyer also was baptized and brought his son and then brought many others to come listen. There were 7 baptizing pastors.
  Many flew in from other parts of Papua New Guinea and from other countries for the big event. There was great rejoicing that they had braved through the opposition and kept us there.
  We had prayed and felt impressed to do as Jesus did. He spent more time healing than preaching. We worked many extra hours beyond our endurance even up to midnight. God helped us when we ran out of energy.
  Jenny even suffered another malaria attack due to the late night hours in open air when mosquitos are so thick. With quick recognition of symptoms and prompt treatment with local medication available, she felt better.
  Then Pacific Adventist University women's ministry wanted us to present at the university for the weekend after our tickets were to take us home. They were willing to pay for ticket departure changes. There were actually a seats available on the date we needed on the plane. Miracle after miracle happened as we set up there while so exhausted. God blessed there giving energy to do medical clinics and speak 10 sessions starting Friday afternoon and going to Sunday morning. We left quickly on the Sunday flight for home.
  PAU also had the red ribbon over them for there was again opposition. The women's ministry director moved in faith, reserving our room to stay in, gave us a car to drive, and set up food. We had a very comfortable place and hot showers to get ready for the long journey home. Again we did free medical clinics as God instructs. He promises that no one will stop your meetings or eclipse the messages if you are doing the work His way. We found 5 in that one weekend who wanted to give their hearts to Jesus. Besides these, there were many who determined to read their Bibles more and daily spend an hour on the life of Jesus.
  So many went to the airport with us. There was so much love. They reached out to help with Jenny's school fees and kept putting their Kina in our hands to help her. By the deadline a day after our return, Jenny had the 9,000 US Dollars in Walla Walla University and a new stronger faith in what God can do. She believes that His promise is true that when you lend to the Lord, He gets it back into your hands. He provides all our needs.


 In June, 2011 God urged me to condense the two evangelistic meetings in the Philippines and hurry into Papua New Guinea for a month of service July 2011. He did not inform me of destination except by a picture He showed me of a mountain
The STORY of the Mountain Dream
I left home with the plan of doing evangelism in 3 locations of the Philippines of 2 weeks each and then return to home for a speaking appointment on Aug. 6 for Laurelwood Academy 40th reunion. Then for my son's wedding on the 14th. During the first series, God told me to cut that series down to 10 days and move quickly and start the second and cut it to 10 days and go to Papua New Guinea. I wondered where in PNG. I was obedient to try for the ticket but knew I did not have enough money. The moment I tried, there were funds deposited in my bank to cover Jenny's ticket. I was impressed at God's amazing power. We wandered in the busy city hunting for the driver and vehicle who had brought us from Arnold's home. No one answered their phones. Finally we discovered him waiting. It had been 6 hours since he had left us off. When we got to Arnold's mother's home, we sorted luggage to reduce our weight for getting into PNG. Excess costs for travel are very high. We finally had about 100 kilo to much and the fee would be 2,000 USD. We did not have it.
  We tried to fly Quantas but their prices kept increasing and we gave up to search for AirNiugini. We used the Philippine peso to get our Morseby to Madang tickets but found we had to wait till Sunday to connect on there. That cost more for handling the luggage again. But God wanted us to give messages in Mt Diamond and prepare for the prayer series there. The villagers in Calima, Mindoro Philippines had given for Jenny's ticket and were calling that evening  to see if we had been successful.
DREAM of a mountain with a wisp of smoke
  That night as I fell asleep, I was wondering where God was sending me. I had a dream of standing on a flat place and looking toward a mountain covered with trees. Way up near the top, was a wisp of smoke. I was looking for my camera in the dream wanting to show this beautiful mountain to others. As I was reaching for my camera, I woke up.
. June 29 we left Manilla and flew all night arriving at 5AM in Port Moresby. We were delighted to be welcomed by Bob Wagi and wife June 30.
-          June 30 we went to Mt. Diamond Academy to deliver items for the school 2 week of prayer and we spoke there on Friday night and Sabbath. We inquired what items the school could use in their library, computer lab, and Science lab. We met and enjoyed visiting with the Academic dean.
-          July 4 On Sunday morning Bob Wagi and school friends helped us to our plane. Sunday our arrival to Madang was welcomed by friends who had enjoyed our service in Madang. We only went to gather suitcases & travel to Highlands in search of mountain I saw in the dream. I figured it would be Samuel Yanopa to lead us but he was not ready. I remembered I was to be with him for July 17-30 so expected another place would be first. God had urged me to hurry and leave Philippines and get into PNG so I moved as directed. The night before departure, I had a dream (June 29) I only saw a tall mountain with a wisp of smoke near the top. 
-          July 4-6 I was so surprised that about 21 street boys came to welcome me. They filed quietly into Christine's home and smiled and said they would do anything to help the next mission. I told of my dream of a mountain and of Samuel Yanopa, who God had said would have the program where his wife Vanetha wanted it. Both Samuel and Vanetha attended every meeting in Madang and made a model of the tabernacle. Silas called Samuel but connection was poor. If you see the mountains of the Highlands it is easy to explain. Yet the towers on these mountains are everywhere.
-            Two young men who placed Samuel and wife on the bus when leaving Madang, offered to go see them. I paid them for round trip tickets. They stated it would be 50 kina but others said it was more like 40 kina. Manuel and George were selected. I did not know George well but he seemed to be the right one. Manuel insisted he go so I allowed it. It took 6 hours to get to "piswater town". They reached there by 10pm and were walking this foreign land praying God would provide lodging. It was very cold. A person gave lodging and warm fire. Next morning he did not have any answer for knowing Samuel. He said people go up on a certain mountain to pray each morning. When they climbed that mountain, there was a tower. At the tower, God had a surprise. The brother of George was working on the tower.  This brother led George to where relatives lived of the family who had adopted him when his parents died. They said he belonged to them. They wanted to hear the wonderful sanctuary stories and invited him to bring us. 
-            I had sent George with my camera and he was quick to see that the mountain with his family on it could be fitting what I saw. He hurried back to help us reach them immediately.
-            Now out of 21 men who were interested in the adventure of the trip, God helped me choose one who had a relative that needed to hear the gospel. The brother showed where the family lived. George was from the Sepik but parents had died. He had been adopted and was thrilled to find the family  and told them of all the stories in the tabernacle.   He took pictures with the camera and it looked like what I saw in the dream. The mountains in the Highlands all look like what I saw in the dream. That is why this is so amazing to me. I had never been to Goroka before or to any of the Highlands. Christine helped add warm clothes to our suitcase, dishes, and first aid bag.
-           Emanuel was the spokesman when they returned. He had found a man Jesse on the nearby mountain who sounded his shofar and had a "holy table" and loved to pray but refused to hear the name of Jesus or to have His name mentioned in prayer. In the report given by the 2 young men, it was stated that the family of George were Adventists and that there had been permission given for meetings.  These young men were baptized a week earlier as a result of the meetings in Madang. I knew we would encounter some challenges but left it all in the hands of God and welcomed the help as Jesus welcomed disciples that He needed to train for mission work.
-            We gathered around and prayed and decided it was time to move out and spread the Gospel. Again and again the large group knelt in prayer asking for wisdom, safety, and power from heaven.I kept focusing on the unusual aspects which indicated God's providence. (1. Dream 2. George finding his brother & family wanting the messages 3. 8 new believers wanting to help carry bags up the mountain 4. No one afraid for lack of food for 2 weeks. 5. Christine willing to help with supplies and rest of the buss fare. The boys finding megaphone, lights, extension cord, and batteries, and medicines. )
  The young men arranged a bus to take us to the mountain.  We rented a bus, loaded 8 willing young men, a translator Mariann and 11medical and sanctuary bags + all supplies of each individual. Hymns were sung for a couple hours till one by one, each one fell asleep. There were sharp curves though the mountains and one lane bridges and areas where the mountain had caved off. It cost us 1,100 kina to move 11 of us and 13 bags plus tent and lights and each one had their bag of clothes. The bus took us up the mountain.
 We were thrilled that there was a small generator for lights so we went for fuel. Jenny and I knew that a big generator was the only thing which would operate the projector. It was blessed when there was no fuel for sale. God made it operate anyway
        When we arrived, we prayed and prayed in the little Adventist church. I was impressed to start clinic immediately. I stopped praying and put up the eye screening chart and we began fitting for glasses. A previous elder in the church came and was weeping for he had not known we were coming and did not welcome us as he felt was appropriate. He called to elder and then to the head elder from the town church. The elder was glad to see us and prayed and listened to our first message and told the head elder from the town church all seemed acceptable and please give approval. A call was placed to the pastor but they could not reach him.
  The non Adventist relatives saw our situation. They lived a few feet from the mountain church so offered to share their home and fire with us. They offered some of their land for putting up the sanctuary. They said if we never got permission for the Adventist church, they were determined not to loose the blessing. They wanted to hear all our stories.
  At their insistence we worked hard all day Thursday to set up the sanctuary. Bamboos were cut and holes were dug for the 9 pillars and the outer court curtain. Soon they had purchased a canvas and placed it over just as rain fell.
 We got drenched but kept on. Finally, the brother of George provided a generator. The strong young men brought it all up the mountain by carrying it.  The street boys who were baptized June 25, carried the generator back and forth wherever we needed it.
 While setting up for the screen (white hospital sheets) on bamboo poles a wall of water was seen coming. I saw the young men gather in a huddle and pray for it to go on past and it did.
  A barrel was found, a board, and our makeshift projector table was in place. When rain poured on us, an umbrella was placed over a metal rod and there was shelter.
 Mud was everywhere. We were soon walking on stilts of mud cakes on our shoes. Jenny twisted her ankle on the step out of the home because it tumbled and the mud was slippery on her shoe. It looked like she would need to go down the mountain in a sheet stretcher for xray. We prayed and as she was turning, there was a pop and the pain was no longer there.
 Sabbath July 9, there was hardly anyone present for the early 7A meeting. Jenny did the science program on butterflies and the lesson on Jesus and His love and sacrifice for us. By 8am, after generator challenges, we were doing the stories of the pilar of cloud when the Adventists arrived for Sabbath School. Some were surprised. The lead elder from the town church listened till we were moving up to the hill top for the sanctuary story on Jesus Our High Priest. He was very cautious and yet had heard much from the faithful elder of the church. He was under conviction that God had sent us, but feared he would be censored for allowing us. I told him we were staying with Non Adventists and holding our program in the hill top on Non Adventist land. He feared the church would be shut down.
  I told him there were relatives of George that were probably not going to live very long and God wanted them to choose salvation before dying. AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPENED. Both grandfather and an auntie have chosen!!!! In fact, they wanted us to start digging a big hole for the baptism. They want it lined with tarp and they want baptized on their own land. Tears came to my eyes as I watched the old man excitedly choosing the place. I saw the newly baptized street boys digging away for several hours on Monday afternoon.
  In clinic many have received glasses and been seen for medical problems. Each one is so happy for prayers offered in their behalf.
  There was a great amount of appreciation after the Sabbath noon meeting. I was wearing the High Priest robes in the tabernacle. The man who planted the church, Robin came up and thanked us and said he knew it was God's plan. He mentioned how he had climbed this and 2 other mountains daily with a battery and microphone and preached to the people in their gardens. He could not see his audience but he kept it up. Then he held meetings. This little church was planted by his work along with Francis, who is the elder.
 I prayed for the heavy rain to stop and remembered how in Rwanda mountain the rain did not stop because the bishop was coming to stop us but could not come due to slippery roads up the mountain. Friday we could not gt up this mountain by any vehicle. We tried but the vehicle slid sideways. The driver was embarrassed we had to slosh through the mud and rain away and climb the mountain. Upon reaching camp we were drenched. We know that when even more rain was added, even the members from town who were walking, had trouble coming to church. Some had suits on but the pants rolled up and shoes were changed last minute. After Friday, I realized that it was God's blessing to us that He had dried out the road before our bus delivered the big load of bags up close to where we walked the rest of the way.
 As the Sabbath noon meeting continued, I told of the robes of the priest and how Jesus works as Mediator and what each item means.
 When I told of the bells heard to ring when Ellen White saw Jesus leaving the Most Holy Place, I mentioned how I wished to hear those bells as He closed the door of mercy. I thought I would have great joy. At 2AM I heard the bells and no one was there in the streets of Mexico. All 4 of my living children were with me on that mission. I prayed over each of them with strong crying and tears. I know my God will hear those prayers and never forget them. I pleaded with Jesus to wait on the closing of probation and I would go anywhere to warn any who would listen, including my own family.
  Our prayers to stop the rain were answered immediately as I began ringing the bells during that story of the closing of the door of mercy. At that same moment there was a struggle going on among 5 of the 8 new Christians who had been baptized a week before. They were smoking and so ashamed of themselves. Instead of being in church they were away doing this shameful thing. Since our bodies are the place for God to dwell, we must do the healthiest thing possible. This keeps the mind clear to hear God's directions for our lives. It also gives us a great feeling of well being. Temperance is part of the life style changes needed for salvation.
 The story soon reached me and my sorrow was so deep. Two confessed immediately and then two more on Tuesday.
On Tuesday there was a grand burial for the green drug wrapped in newspaper and one rejoiced that he was set free. There was special prayer for freedom from desire and all was prayed about and there was an immediate digging on the site for the baptism where others could bury their sins too. We sung that my God can do anything. They poured in water and padded the dirt down over the buried drugs. They looked so much happier.
  Some village boys came and talked to Jenny asking what would happen if they died and were not yet baptized, could they be saved. Jenny spoke of John 3:5 and of the thief on the cross. They sat around and discussed it. Others came with similar questions and there were more names added to the requests for baptism. The head elder who had worked all day in his garden was thrilled to hear our reports and see the spot being dug for a baptism. We urged him to talk with candidates and make sure they are ready. 
The process of digging  a hole in the ground for baptism was watched by many and we could see they were thinking about their own lives. There are more family members yet to go, we are praying.
 On Sunday a big canvas tent was erected above the audience by the head elder and his brothers. It really looked nice. They even made a trench about to keep the water off the audience. The head elder had given permission for Adventists to attend. All were very excited about the sanctuary messages and the Pentecost topics involving prophecy and Ellen White.
  Satan came and caused so much trouble. People were told they were not good enough to come to Jesus and be baptized till they had studied for a year or two. There was discouragement and so much sadness.
Children saw this and pointed up so Jenny went to look and excitedly called for me to leave the tabernacle and go look. It was double. We showed the boys and they rejoiced in the sign of God's assistance in their struggles over their past habits.
There was a warning of low fuel so I sent the boys to town for fuel. No petrol, only diesel was found. They went to another town and the same thing happened. They were sad as they returned. We prayed and the fuel needle marker went from empty to half full and we ran another 5 hours of meeting. We are sure that God is putting in fuel into the generator. We are showing the KEEPERS OF THE FLAME and the book of Mathew and then trying to recharge the ipod.
Trouble with protocol papers
The head elder gave sad news of being scolded for allowing us to preach on this mountain, however, we have the meeting place made on the land of non Adventists and the sanctuary and the baptism tank we are digging are also on that land. The grandfather and auntie picked the places for these things and are determined to become Adventists.
The elder asked me to leave the mountain at 930am to go visit the headquarters and tell of my dream. I said I would pray about it. In the morning I awoke at 3AM with imbalance. I could not stand up without the room spinning round. As I tried to walk, the dizziness made me vomit many times. I tried to rest quietly on my little bed on the floor. Jenny was busy trying to find a remedy for my extreme vertigo. She had to help me when I had to get up and move anywhere. She worried for I could not hold any food down.
Word reached the president of Eastern Highlands Simbu Mission Benny Soga, that I was not able to come down the mountain. He learned of my illness and he came up to me and looked at the tabernacle while I was in my room vomiting. He instantly recognized the accuracy for he had done a paper on the sanctuary. He was thrilled to hear how God had sent me by a dream. I told him after 20 years of this evangelism, I am well aware of the church need of paperwork and protocol policies to be followed but we are in the last days and God did not tell me the name of the village or mission region, He just showed me a mountain to find and helped me find it. I had never been in that part of the world so how could I ask permission from anyone. God did not show me the Adventist office buildings or direct me there. I was just following orders from the General of the Heavenly armies.
  When I go to my neighbor to witness, I don't have to get permission from anyone. I pray that all will be praying for the Holy Spirit every day as President of the General Conference Ted Wilson has asked us to do.
 I just believe I must obey and God will help HIS true leaders to recognize the urgency of these last hours on this earth. When he said they wanted to study all again with the people before baptism, I mentioned two who would not survive long. I believe one has cancer throughout and has very little time left. We cannot block her from heaven for Jesus says in John 3:5, except a man be born of water and of the Holy Spirit he cannot enter heaven. He agreed. He gave his blessing. We have the sanctuary on non Adventist people's land. We are not breaking any rules. We are housed by interested non Adventist villagers.
  This country is soon to be in great distress. Pray for us to do our very best possible.
  When I woke the room seemed to be spinning so bad I was unable to stand. I had to find the out house with Jenny's help. The vomiting was so intense that all day I was hungry but could not keep anything if I moved my head. I knew that my vestibular canal was plugged from a low amount of water intake and a upper respiratory infection. Jenny found my Eucalyptus leaves from Africa and boiled them.  I stayed in bed and Jenny treated patients for me and did meetings till evening. After several treatments and much prayer, I was free by night meeting. I was so happy. As soon as meeting was finished, there was more dizziness but by morning all was fine.  I believe since eucalyptus opens the bronchioles and the pores as well as helps the Eustachian tube to drain, it must be able to help the semicircular canal congestion. It also makes the mucus not so sticky and helps it thus to drain.
Over the rest of the days, there was occasional dizziness with looking up or lying down.
Complaints of arthritis and back pain in the older ones who climb the mountain and work their gardens in the cold.
Eye clinic: Many wanted reading glasses. Eyes are usually with cataracts and pterygiums.
Thursday – July 13-15 The large hole for the baptism was dug by the strong young men and arches and decorations were made for the service. Some who did not know of the presidents promise informed the baptism candidates there was no baptism so they were crying but true to his word, the president sent out an ordained pastor for the baptism. He was in a hurry but we were so thankful for his coming. We praise God for answering our prayers. We saw a pillar of cloud and knew God would help us. Still we did not know where the next place to work was. The president had given his blessing and we knew God would let us know when He was ready. All day July 16 I prayed asking where we were to move to on the 17th. For reasons God only knows, there was silence till most all the people had left. Then someone was asking. We promised to call him as soon as God indicates it is the right location.
   By 3pm on Sabbath we had a beautiful baptism of one who was too sick to wait till the 13th Sabbath baptism arranged. The ordained elder had just baptized 11 and came up to help us with Julie's baptism. Her abdomen is swollen so much, I fear she has only a short time left.
I am so thankful for team support- I could never have put up the outdoor tent without the help of the strong young men who helped. They cut bamboo poles and worked so hard in set up. They carried the bags and dug for the baptism. I praise God for sending me help. So many early morning meetings and  nights we all were shivering and most of got sick but kept working. It was an opportunity for us to learn to train others in evangelism.
We are thankful for villagers who provided sweet potatoes from their gardens as well as oranges and carrots, cabbage etc.
We were much worn out but moving on knowing as our days, so will our strength be.
  A man came at the end during the very last meeting and asked us to come to his village. I asked if he was elder, or pastor or deacon but he said no. I never asked if he was Adventist. God had given a dream to him, I found out later. We spent much time in prayer and God blessed us. We went to this man's home in a truck he arranged and discovered he had wanted to be an Adventist but wife was giving him so much trouble.
  He wanted us to share with his people group. In a dream he had seen us doing it in his yard. He saw drunks and gamblers stop and ask Jesus into their hearts. Several requested baptism.
  In his dream he saw the elders of the Adventist church surprised that we came without asking them. WE did not go to their church because they were very angry we came unannounced without their invitation. We carefully explained how Jesus had given the dream and also now a dream to this man. I told them I did not know anyone to ask ahead of time because God did not tell me the name of the village I was going to.
  I wondered if Jesus asked the leaders if He could be born in Bethlehem when he came to this earth. I began thinking through many things when I saw the reaction there. God knows what He is doing. He knows the end from the beginning.
  There was a big shaking of the ground as we started meetings and a Pentecostal teacher came over to see about our meetings. There was a great turn out at first until people were threatened that they would be disfellowshipped if they came to listen. There would also be other punishments. My great translator was afraid and never came back.
  The Sunday Church pastors came and said not to flee for they would bring food and we were in their territory so they would protect us. The owner of the home was frightened till he heard his relatives say these things.
  The tribal war customs hold them in great fear. They all fear that their churches will be shut down. Then what would happen if a funeral or a wedding needed to happen?
  We kept on obeying the request of God. There needs to be the gospel shared in all the world and then Jesus will come. We were thankful that there was confusion over our names and a letter was delivered to us but was addressed to another name. We thanked God and did 9 more meetings until finished. The day we left there was the Pentecostal man at the truck window telling Jenny thanks for her most interesting presentation on the mark of the beast. He felt he learned so much and had serious things to think about. He wanted to be ready for the end of the world events.
  God helped us find a hotel where we could wash off all the mud before flying home. The hot shower was so nice. We washed and washed so many times. What a blessing. A kind man who witnessed our work in his area, came and paid the hotel bill for us. Then we lodged with an elder. He had threats on him for lodging us but he told the leaders he was not going to respond to them.
  He made sure we had what we needed till we left on the plane. God took care of every need.
  This was the third time we were sent to a place we did not know ahead of time. It is amazing for my faith has to grow. Abraham in the Bible went where God led him.
Village district : KUMIUFA
On this mountain, in this little grass church, members had longed for a program with truth presented to them. They had gathered frequently for prayer even down on their faces for God to send an evangelist. The Elder Frances said he was down on his face pleading with God and believes God has answered his prayer by giving me a dream of this mountain in the Highlands with a wisp of smoke ascending.
Language –different from Goroka, understanding Pigeon
Church name: Mt. Sokaive church
Eastern Highlands
God's miracle. The last 3 hours were for charging phones and IPOD so we can continue with evangelism in the next village. Many waited around to say good bye but we did not go. We did not yet have God's confirmation regarding Ivan's request.
 After dealing with the youth helpers and writing up thank notes for those returning to Madang      
I started praying 7 times for sign about Lufa district 
Sunday afternoon we had worship in the church and shared testimonies. Ivan came in and sat down and then gave his testimony. He had a dream Sabbath night after talking to us and joining hands with children to pray. In the dream, he saw a truck and he was moving us to his village and it would be on Monday. Then he was to cut down a tree so I could sit on it in the truck during travel. He said a big rain came and washed him. Many came to meetings.
Another dream 3 days before on Friday he was in his home and sleeping when he saw 2 strangers come and share truth at his own home. Drunkards and those gambling came and were changed and quit their bad habits. He went to Fish Pond and met up with cousins or nephews who said they wanted him to climb this mountain and see the sanctuary with them. He came and when he saw it, it was our last meeting. He had a very strong compulsion to invite us to his place. When I said to him that if elder of the Adventist church was afraid to have us, he could set it in his own place. He thought immediately of the dream on Friday and thought it was soon to be fulfilled. He was very excited. When I told him I would be praying, he also went to pray and more dream was given.
  On Friday night, God had given also a dream to his little grandmother in his same room with him. She received a Bible. She was so excited that when she woke up she was looking for her Bible and Ivan told her he had not given her one. It was decided that God had given both of them dreams at the same time.
He came up from town to see us and shared the dreams and we rejoiced and prayed together and began making plans for morning transport.
  The next morning we were waiting by 8AM and MaryAnn said she was going home. All felt really sad. She said it was commanded by her father so she was going to town to get funds from a cousin and go home the next day on the bus.
  We went to the church and sang hymns while waiting for the truck transport. 602 O Brother be faithful. 626 In a little while we're going home. These two songs really helped me be strong. Also there is the one that goes like this: "I will follow thee my Savior—though all men forsake thee. One of the boys said most of them had come for adventure and then realized how hard the work was and one by one they began to choose if they wanted to help with the second crusade. They thought there would be more play and adventure. Marslee began to realize the sacrifice and wanted it. During altar call, he added his voice  calling the people and they came. It was very good. We had several who added their names that night. They are going to mingle with the people and ask if they understood the messages.
   We made a list of foods Jenny and I needed and 2 ran to town but we knew it was another 2 hours before we could see them.  They left at 12 noon.  We went 65 kina. Seems that every time I need funds, it multiplies in my hand bag. I kept trusting. I think we will find a blanket in town and hope to find a donation by money gram. We are headed up into the wilderness soon. God is leading. We hope to be warm tonight. It would be nice but so far we have survived though shiver every night for many hours awake and praying.
  Ivan's dream came true. The local elders and Adventist church members were surprised and resisted only based on the fact they were not the ones inviting us. The message was clear and known as true. Yet they could never come to accepting us. 9 meetings were given beyond the time they requested we should shut things down and get out of town or they would force us out.  The man who owned the land said he was a tour guide and many others he had brought to the village had taught things to his people like ways to cook.
  Both mountains fit the dream God showed me. Both places were on property belonging to those not of the Adventist faith. Both places resulted in those people getting the desire of their hearts to learn the truth of the last days. Both locations had longings for light and God sent someone from the other side of the world to help them. Time is running out. Many are sleeping who know the truth. They think there is plenty of time to spend months and years time to warn the world. Every day counts as we are in the last moments of this earth. Laws are being set up to make travel difficult and to make it impossible to get our supplies moved. Bibles need to get into these places. Megavoice Bibles need to be given and be used daily. Even if we had ten more years, we need to be like Jesus in our intense desire to get the light shining in the dark corners of this world.
Three kinds of listeners to Gospel meetings
I see three basic groups this trip. 1. Those watching opposition and persecution and being convicted 2. Ethiopian story of the man in the Bible wishing for light to understand the Bible better and praying for it. 3. Pharisees who are sure there is no more they can learn spiritually.
God's Needy Vineyard
"The martyrdom of Steen made a deep impression upon all who witnessed it. The memory of the signet of God was upon his face; his words, which touched the very souls of those who heard them, remained in the minds of the beholders, testified to the truth of that which he proclaimed. His death…resulted in the conviction of Saul, who could not efface from his memory the faith and constancy of the martyr, and the glory that rested on his countenance." AA 101  (Acts of the Apostles by Ellen White) This Saul became the mighty missionary Paul. He was moved by watching Steven but Steven never got to see that result. He will witness it in heaven and realize that by his death, he won millions by the work of Paul who not only witnessed in person but wrote such powerful sections of Scripture affecting millions.
  While we were persecuted there was a great interest being developed among other faiths. An earthquake shook a home right next to the place of meeting and the owner was most interested in what God is doing. He loved the presentation on the Mark of God and the Mark of Satan and his help.
  Persecution is one method God uses to get people to take notice of these issues we are facing.
"The Ethiopian represents a large class who need to be taught by such missionaries as Philip- men who will hear the voice of God, and go where He sends them. There are many who are reading the Scriptures who cannot understand their true import. All over the world men and women are looking wistfully to heaven…Many are on the verge of the kingdom, waiting only to be gathered in.
  An angel guided Philip to the one seeking for the Light, who was ready to receive the gospel; and today angels will guide the footsteps of those workers who will allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify their tongues and refine and ennoble their hearts.
  …God's people have always been aggressive missionaries." Acts of the Apostles 109
  In our PNG story, Ivan and Frances and others among them were the ones seeking light that God sent us to share with. They received the light with joy.
CASE 3 God's help rejected (Mathew 10:40)
The Pharisees vs those who heard gladly
"The Pharisees thought themselves too wise to need salvation, too highly honored to need the honor that comes from Christ. The Saviour turned away from them to find others who would receive the message of heaven. In the untutored fishermen, in the publican at the marketplace, in the woman of Samaria, in the common people who heard Him gladly, He found His new bottles for new wine. The instrumentalities to be used in the gospel work are those souls who gladly receive the light which God sends them. These are His agencies for imparting the knowledge of truth to the world. If through the grace of Christ His people will become new bottles, He will fill them with new wine." DA 279 (Desire of Ages by Ellen White)
  It was not the new doctrine but the clearer understanding and a cleaning out of traditions which had blinded them.
"Until emptied of the old traditions, customs, and practices, they had no place in mind or heart for the teachings of Christ. They cling to the dead forms, and turned away from the living truth and power of God." DA 279
  "The Pharisees do not know their spiritual destitution.. The gold has become dim, and the rich treasure has been lost. The righteousness of Christ is to them as a robe unworn, a fountain untouched." DA 280
  .. New bottles can contain new wine." DA 280
  We can keep praying for those who rejected. There were more in the second location. They did not reject the clinic, however. They made sure they got served before they served a letter requesting shut down. We knew what they were doing, yet wanted to do what Jesus would do.  Perhaps because we obeyed God's request, there will be a light kindled which can burn brighter as he shares with his family and others. God's providences are not always understood but it is the highest insult to God to disbelieve His commands to share the light. (Mt. 28: 19 & 20)
In the Highlands of New Guinea, God sent us in as a surprise visit. Just as Jesus came from heaven without getting the permission of earthlings, He sent us to an unknown destination with the gospel. Those crying for light were represented by the smoke on the side of the mountain. Their prayers were ascending. In the dream we saw the highlands mountains and we had no label placed on the mountain. The angels led us to the right places.
   Upon arrival in Madang, God gave me many young teenagers and those in their twenties to help transport and set up and take down His sanctuary. When  the translator deserted her post, God found others.
  After more than 5 hours on a rough road, we climbed a mountain like that seen in my dream. The surprise was expected yet God had prepared the hearts of non Adventists to welcome us and give us their own land and homes so we could start up while our brothers were checking us out and determining if we were really Adventists. It is not the usual way but there is an urgency I sense in God's commands. The Lord is about to shut His door of mercy. He will not ask any of us permission to do that but He knows so many are not ready.
 These people received the light gladly. It angered Satan. God had another Non Adventist family invite us to the second sight. God led them by dreams in the night and told when and what day to move us. We set up on his land and did the work. In this way God did not break any of the rules that were set up by the Adventist church.
  Before the second site, God led me as He did Gideon to send home all the helpers who wanted to go and who had been not coming to meetings and who had been into drugs such as tobacco and marijuana. They tried to help each other overcome these trials and even allowed me to make a movie of our funeral burying the drugs. Yet later they fell again. They were sent home as Gideons army was too big for the more difficult assignment.
 As meetings progressed we prayed daily together for forgiveness and strength. The first location we had great help from elders and from President Benny Soga coming, looking and being excited about the sanctuary. He gave his blessings even for the second unknown site.
  We heard from one of the mothers of the men on the team there was England passing of Sunday law and PNG was next. This mother got this news while she was working in Moresby.
  Thirty seven put their names on the list for baptism in the first spot. One ery sick lady was baptized immediately.
  As we closed the first series, a man named Ivan through dreams saw we were to go to his place and he obeyed God. I had asked if he was deacon, elder or pastor but never thought to ask if he was Adventist. He was not but had tried since January to be baptized and no one would take him serious. His Catholic wife was persecuting him for his choices. Divine providences convicted us after praying 7 times together and we went to Fima in Lufa district.
  I was glad I dismissed the crew of those wanting to go and only seeking adventure and drugs. It was a much more difficult task.
  As soon as we arrived, my 5 young men set up and our first meeting was done July 18. The audience grew, and as it did, came another group who were trying to stop us. God's directions were followed. He says to do medical and no on will stop the gospel preaching. I believed and obeyed and no one was allowed to stop us. In fact the whole village rose up in anger at the elders of the SDA church who were trying to chase off the doctor giving out glasses.
  Persecution and threats of somehow the local church getting closed frightened Ivan so bad he asked us to leave. Then on Friday he asked us to stay again. Then Sabbath evening he asked us to go. We packed up and looked for a truck. But it is dangerous for bandits are looking for trucks full of coffee for sale. All the Adventist elders are selling their coffee on those big trucks. Anyway, we could not get out and God encouraged me to trust that I would "not go out in haste". He was protecting and He had asked us to do the work.
  In my devotions I came across a horrifying thought. Those leaders blocking the light will be attacked by angry people in the end of time who kept them from the truth. Ellen white saw them being murdered and she saw others getting the Zechariah 14:12 plague of eyes, tongue and skin rotting off.
In summary
3 types of listeners were there
1. Some longing for truth and God gave it to them
2. Others thinking they did not need any light and fighting hard to make us stop. Great threats of driving us out and dismissing any from the church if they came in the gates kept all so frightened.
3. Persecution brought many of the community to examine what was wrong with the Doctors teachings.
Persecution can bring more believers and workers like Paul.
"One of dignity and Authority-ONE Who is present in all our council meetings- said
"The whole world, is God's vineyard. The cities and villages constitute a part of that vineyard. These must be worked. 7T 34, 35 ( 1902)  Testimonies for the church vol. 7
PS We found the Pentecost teacher in town who had felt the ground quake and came to listen and was so blessed. Many Sunday church pastors came and encouraged us to keep doing what God said.
"There is a great work to be done; and while it is our privilege to counsel together, we must be very sure in every matter to counsel with God for He will never mislead us." TMGW p. 487
...."And in this time of universal peril, we must learn to stand alone, our faith fixed, not on the word of man but on the sure promise" TM & GW 490
These are encouraging to me to keep on trusting and moving as My Father opens the way and His providence shall indicate His leadings.
I like this: He will beautify all who are serving Him with a whole heart."  I am telling you when the mud is climbing the legs as we walk through it to do His work, and sleep on the ground, and endure things so difficult as no place for bathing etc, we do not feel beautiful!!!!! But we are doing what He has asked. He will do what He promised. He says even our feet are beautiful when we carry His gospel to the dark portions of the world.
"I saw that God's people are on the enchanted ground, and that some have lost nearly all sense of shortness of time and the worth of the soul." EW 120   I hope I don't lose that value He places on each one He died for. I really want to be more like my Jesus.
Those rejecting His light   "become falsifiers of those who have borne to them the message from the LORD"  Early Writings 120-121
I am thankful that God holds our reputation in His hands. What matters most is to have our names remain in His book of life.
Dr. Rose