Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mindanao medical evangelism March 13-31

I rejoiced how God arranges what He wants done. We are looking forward to meeting and working with people who love the Lord. Together we will pray and do medical evangelism. The prayer is for angels to go ahead and God to teach us each step so we are more efficient.
Early AM 3/13/13 My brother Jack took me to the Walla Walla small airport about 1 hr before departure. It was a pleasant change from the larger airports. It is a wonderful thing to have help from my brother. It has been great seeing family and now it is time to get back to medical evangelism as God directs. I love the privilege we have of service working with the LORD in these last days. Jenny's surgery went well and she is a week post op and God is bringing the healing we prayed for.
I found profound comfort this morning during my flight to Seattle on the way to Mindanao Island of the Philippines. The Bible has God's words and thus they are letters from His heart to mine. So each promise is as though my name was there. When I am alone, it is good for me, as I spend more time praying and reading and leaning on HIS everlasting arms. Isaiah 46-57-61. I know some of you would like to see what was precious to me. These words are helping me the most: He carries me in my old age 46:4 "He leadeth the by the way thou shouldest go..(48:17). He shall guide continually. (58:11). He declares the end from the beginning…saying My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure…He made my mouth like a sharp sword(speaks through me)(49:2) God's words will accomplish what He pleases. (55:11) HIS thoughts are so much higher so I am constantly seeking to know HIM better and understand my part in His plans. (Is 55:6)My feet are beautiful while publishing salvation (Is 52:7). God goes before me (52:12). All my children shall be taught by God. (Is 54:13). "Never will our Lord betray one who trusts in Him." PK 571 I don't like being alone in travel without my daughter but she has exams to finish and then will join me. But "singing I go along life's road, praising the Lord, praising the Lord...for Jesus has lifted my load"
Thanks for praying for us and for your great support. I see the LORD'S hand in this.
 When Jesus asked Peter to go to work, He asked if he loved Him. Then told him to feed His sheep. It was not eloquence, wealth, or education, it was about His devoted love.
Daily as we focus on the life of Jesus, we want more likeness to Him so we can work with greater effeciency.
As we can access email, we will keep you updated.
Dr. Rose

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