Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mindanao medical evangelism March 13-31

I rejoiced how God arranges what He wants done. We are looking forward to meeting and working with people who love the Lord. Together we will pray and do medical evangelism. The prayer is for angels to go ahead and God to teach us each step so we are more efficient.
Early AM 3/13/13 My brother Jack took me to the Walla Walla small airport about 1 hr before departure. It was a pleasant change from the larger airports. It is a wonderful thing to have help from my brother. It has been great seeing family and now it is time to get back to medical evangelism as God directs. I love the privilege we have of service working with the LORD in these last days. Jenny's surgery went well and she is a week post op and God is bringing the healing we prayed for.
I found profound comfort this morning during my flight to Seattle on the way to Mindanao Island of the Philippines. The Bible has God's words and thus they are letters from His heart to mine. So each promise is as though my name was there. When I am alone, it is good for me, as I spend more time praying and reading and leaning on HIS everlasting arms. Isaiah 46-57-61. I know some of you would like to see what was precious to me. These words are helping me the most: He carries me in my old age 46:4 "He leadeth the by the way thou shouldest go..(48:17). He shall guide continually. (58:11). He declares the end from the beginning…saying My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure…He made my mouth like a sharp sword(speaks through me)(49:2) God's words will accomplish what He pleases. (55:11) HIS thoughts are so much higher so I am constantly seeking to know HIM better and understand my part in His plans. (Is 55:6)My feet are beautiful while publishing salvation (Is 52:7). God goes before me (52:12). All my children shall be taught by God. (Is 54:13). "Never will our Lord betray one who trusts in Him." PK 571 I don't like being alone in travel without my daughter but she has exams to finish and then will join me. But "singing I go along life's road, praising the Lord, praising the Lord...for Jesus has lifted my load"
Thanks for praying for us and for your great support. I see the LORD'S hand in this.
 When Jesus asked Peter to go to work, He asked if he loved Him. Then told him to feed His sheep. It was not eloquence, wealth, or education, it was about His devoted love.
Daily as we focus on the life of Jesus, we want more likeness to Him so we can work with greater effeciency.
As we can access email, we will keep you updated.
Dr. Rose

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mountain Climbing 4 Jesus in Mindoro

Forbidden to speak, we thought of ""Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. But we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." Acts 4:18 & 19, "He made my mouth like a sharp sword" Isaiah 49:2 His word is like a sharp sword cutting on both sides the things which are worldly away from our characters. "In every age and in every land, God's messengers have been called upon to meet bitter opposition from those who deliberately chose to reject the ligt of heaven. Often by misrepresentation and falsehood, the enemies of the gospel have seemingly triumphed, closing the doors by which God's messengers might gain access to the people. But these doors cannot remain forever closed, and often, as God's servants have returned after a time to resume their labors, the Lord has wrought mightily in their behalf, enabling them to establish memorials to the glory of His name." AA179
They imposed a fine on us as we were leaving for disregarding their 3 demands. In spite of work hazards of: 1.poor sanitation, 2. swarms of dengue mosquitos 3.typhoon storms, and 4. opposition, we determindly did our best to share the good news of Jesus.
In the mountains of Mindoro island of the Philippines are Munyan mountain people who grow produce to feed those in the lowlands. Primarily coconut and banana as well as other fruits are taken out by jeeps or floated downriver utilizing bamboo rafts. There is a mayor over the tribes and then several captains then the tribes have their own laws. We had permission from the mayor and captain however, at the village there was a leader who had 3 strongly stated restrictions. 1. No preaching Bible. 2. No pictures. 3. Only 1 week stay. Pastor signed the page. He informed me that teaching health was fine as long as it did not extend beyond 1 hour.
The first 7 days we were careful to stay within their parameters. I gave daily health lectures and treated the sick. Jenny also examined eyes and gave glasses and knitting classes and many children's toys and 2 huge sacks of clothing. One hr each evening children's Bible stories were told as well as a nature presentation. We always kept inside the one hour. We wanted to take pictures but refrained from that those first 7 days. We tried to move out on day 6 but God sent heavy rain and the jeepnee could not ford the river and then Jenny spiked fever and was unconscious. We seemed held by God to accomplish the gospel commision. We had interested friends. Jenny had been telling children nature & Bible stories and I did health. Then as we waited for the river to subside we looked at another option of having an animal that looks like a cow but is called caribow (sp?). It could pull loads for 3-5 trips but yet Jenny could not walk.
As we prayed, it seemed we had evidence God wanted us to remain. The mayor and another leader asked us to do another week. They said of all the groups, we were really helping them could we teach them more? Would we stay on? Could the knitting classes continue? We felt is was an opening door to their hearts and we could plant more seeds if we remained. We continued the same way up past the agreed 7 days then put up the sanctuary last Friday and gave a very short brief yet it summarized and focused on the end events and how important to be commandment keepers.
I was amazed as I also got Dengue and spiked a high fever. I lost track of time and could not even focus when I tried to read the Bible. Jenny took over for me. I awakened once to hear her carefully explaining the 4th commandment on the 7th day is the true day God has asked us to worship. She mentioned how that is the final exam testing loyalty if you love God you will keep all His commandments. I fell back asleep wondering if that message would cause the first leaders to crush out our program and force us to leave. Yet the rain kept falling and river rising and the one who resisted was unable to stop us. God knows what He is doing when He causes the river to rise and storms to make roads of mud to be too slippery.
As I gained strength, I realized Jenny was not well, just was given strength for meetings while I was unable. As we came to the last day, the messages were so urgent, we recognized God was pleading with the people to listen and get ready.
I noticed some who came to help me were unable to love the people. One told them to go away. I was sad. The odor of the native was an offense to the team member and he asked thm to go away. I felt so sad. All who reach out to other cultures can never let a bad smell stop their love or no mission work would ever get done. The culture of the natives came about from years of Satan worship. Yet their life in the mountains had kept them from some of the sins found in the lowlands.
As we presented the mark of God is to keep HIS 10 Commandment law and the mark of following Satan is to break the commandments, there was conviction on their faces. We presented the Final Events DVD by Doug Garcia and translated by Ganny, who added some things which he felt clarified it. Finally he was finished, and it was all recorded in Tagalog. Then, came the last Sanctuary message on the day of Atonement and showed how the items match up with the Bible's statement of end events all through Rev. 20, 21, and to the end. I knew we had spoken what God sent us for. I had a peace that no matter what the consequences, we had done our very best for Jesus. He was given our weak bodies strength to boldly declare truth.
Early the next morning there were the first two tribal leaders complaining and asking for funds as a fine so they could purify the village and purchase a pig to do the rite. I was determined not to sponsor Satan worship. I said we owed nothing. We had given clothing, glasses, knitting and health classes, clinics, and owed them no more. We had been given permission to do our program by leaders. Irene faithfull translated. Then the deep voice of the driver of our vehicle spoke up at that point. He said, "It sounds like you just need to coordinate better your leadership". With his help and the impact of his words in place, I gathered last items and got inside the jeep and asked the driver to move out. Some of the team tried to do other things but when they heard the engine, they got inside and we were on our way. I learned when my children were little that if I started the vehicle and began to move it, even if they were in argument, it settled things and they quickly got inside so they could ride along. God gave wisdom. He wants us to be harmless as doves and wise as serpants.
Throughout Jenny's illness, I prayed so much! When you can easily get to the emergency room to save the life of your relatives, you do it. When the road is easy to drive and nothing can prevent you from doing something, you do not pray. But when the river is 5 feet above where a jeep can ford the river, when the rain is coming out of the sky as a river on you, you can't opt for a stretcher to carry your loved one to a hospital and get an Intravenous, there is a lot of praying and leaning on God that is done. In the night I wondered how Jenny's daddy would feel if I only brought home her things. How would it be without Jenny. In the night God revealed secrets about the future to her. These secrets, I believe were to keep mommie, me from having a heart attack in my grief and worry over my girl as I watched her dehydrating so fast and unable to eat anything. When she did eat, it was not utilized for body needs. In the grief, Jesus stood by me and whispered some happy things of the future which will be in 2013. It calmed me. She was hallucinating from the fever. The Dengue mosquitos kept chasing her and swarming above her mosquito net waiting for any chance to get in.
The purified water ran out and a team member went for more.
When Sabbath came and she wanted to walk for a short 30 minutes in the sun, we decided to cross the hanging bridge. She immediately returned to bed afterwards but we were happy to see her on the mend. Now a week later and she has just walked long distances during plane transfers and we have returned to the other side of the world. There was a difference made for Jesus on a mountain where the 3 Angels Messages had not yet been shared. People from distances had come to our clinics, and they will never forget for they have experienced the sanctuary.