Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Urgent Road block in God's work

This note is from Dr. Larose McCluskey, not Jenny
 In  16  hours we were to begin an expensive 7,000 dollar ticket flight to Rwanda with medical supplies and evangelism. We may shake the dust off this time. We are in much prayer. The nonrefundable flights are not yet cancelled. We keep praying. I don't want to be like Jonah and Elijah and run from an unpleasant assignment from God but it seems He is opening up another option in another country. I am praying for wisdom. I keep thinking of Elijah who was not supposed to run from Jezebel's threats but he did. Jonah did not want to go to violent people.
God goes before us so many times we see it. This last trip into the Philippines in November was no exception. A young woman saw us in a dream ahead of time. In Papua New Guinea it happened as well. In Rwanda it happened 26 years back as a man had a dream. Also as God stood above us in a pillar of fire by night in the North Rwanda mts. In the day He stood above in a pillar of cloud over the baptism on Muzo mountain. Chariots of fire were seen on the clouds by the translators sister and an announcement from  heaven that two of God's warriors were coming to give the final warning messages. This was also on Muzo mountain. A pillar of cloud was seen above my own home during the resistance of April 25, 2010 which President Ted Wilson was impressed by God to intervene in for Nyanza church. The result was a good harvest.

Jenny and I are scheduled to fly tonight to Rwanda Africa. All is ready except the group who invited us! We have not yet cancelled the tickets.
The group who invited us are terrified of a sudden pressure from leadership that threatened them. If they welcome me or lodge me or move ahead with the medical evangelism efforts without the church paperwork in place, real bad things will happen. I had death threats on me last time I was there at God's request. The paper work is always done by those inviting me. All know this all over the world.
  They knew since October 26 when God confirmed He wanted it done, and the paperwork did not get done. The invitation was in September. Jesus Himself was rejected by people groups like the Samarians and He had to leave certain areas but later returned.
   I was still on the computer, praying and wondering what move to make. Seven thousand of God's dollars were invested in tickets. Perhaps this time it shall be to shake the dust off our feet. Then a pastor came onto Facebook and asked if I was ok. I told him what had just happened and he said he had work for us in Philippines in mountains of Mindoro among the Munion natives. It seemed Providential to me. He does not have internet in his home and I am seldom able to get on internet.
We need to reach a tribe of unreached people. I asked if it could be arranged in 3 days. He immediately went to check on options of where we could camp. We will need to rent generator, and these people are very primitive so our outdoor camping will be a challenge. Dengue fever is very common mosquito challenge. It is often fatal.
  We have worked with this pastor several times and know he was just ordained and is in tune to reaching for souls and spreading the 3 Angels messages. He knows that President Ted Wilson was with us in the jungles of South America and told us he wished there were 100 more of us doing this medical evangelism.
  The dream of pastor Roosevelt Fortu is to raise up a church and a school among this unreached native people of the mountains. His wife is a teacher.
  We spent everything on the Africa tickets and hope and pray that some of the non refundable tickets can be used towards our Philippines tickets yet the price for last minute Christmas season ticketing is higher yet. We are on our knees praying for wisdom. God never leaves or forsakes His workers. We have the example of Jesus moving away from areas that He was blocked from blessing but later he returned. We pray for the people who wanted our programs in more than 10 locations in Rwanda. Maybe God will later open a way.
  Meanwhile we are preparing our camping gear and already have the Tagalog  Bibles. I don't expect these people can read. We have some talking Bibles. If God provides the funds we are going to do a medical evangelism program anyway but in Philippines. We also need for renting generator and to try of some spot to lodge in a primitive setting. Our transport into there may be  by horse for roads are not there. The pastor is there now trying to prepare.
  We need God's wisdom.
  We need His guidance as we launch out into the deep to fish where it has not been done before.
Dr. Rose